The very first direct sequel in the Final Fantasy series, FFX-2 follows the adventures of Yuna and Rikku, and their new companion Paine, two years after the defeat of Sin. Yuna's quest is driven by her search for a particular young man, whom may or may not be featured in a sphere found in the mountains. All the old faces from FFX and some new ones make appearances in this lighthearted game.
Buy FFX-2 Merchandise at the FFC Store!
Game Help:
Final Fantasy X-2 FAQs at GameFAQs
Final Fantasy X-2: International + Last Mission FAQs at GameFAQs
Game Script:
FFX-2 Game Script by Asch the Hated
KUON ~ Memory of Lightwaves: Music from FFX-2 (2003)
real Emotion (2003)
Final Fantasy X-2: Original Soundtrack (2003)
Final Fantasy X-2 Vocal Collections: Yuna (2003)
Final Fantasy X-2 Vocal Collections: Rikku (2003)
Final Fantasy X-2 Vocal Collections: Paine (2003)
Come With Me (2003)
Final Fantasy X-2 International+Last Mission Original Soundtrack (2003)
Final Fantasy X-2 Piano Collections (2003)
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