In general, games are listed in the order of publication rather than chronological order. This is because the characters evolved as more games were released.
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- Aerith Gainsborough, Aeris (FF7 - NA) [HERO]
[FF7] The mysterious and
happy-go-lucky daughter of a Cetra and a human seems almost too
good to be true for Cloud... and it soon turns out that she is. The daughter of Ifalna, an Ancient, and Professor Gast, the scientist who found her, Aerith is raised by Elmyra as a daughter, but knows things she shouldn't. She spends all her time in a church in the Sector 5 Slums, raising the only flowers to grow in Midgar.
Aerith's tragic history is cut all too short by Sephiroth, who makes
sure she doesn't get in the way of his plan. Her magical powers
are admired by all, and even she doesn't understand most of the
things she feels. (See also Character:Tactics,
External Crossovers: Kingdom Hearts,
Jobs:White Mage)
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[AC] Aerith is still dead, but her presence is felt by those around her. Her life force
is prominently present in the Lifestream, and she seems to have the
ability to influence its path.
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[CC] Aerith is one of the important people in Zack's life, as shown in the DMW reel. He meets her
when first dropping from the sky into the Sector 5 Church, and they quickly develop a relationship.
Zack is the one who gives her her trademark ribbon, and convinces her to sell her flowers.
When he disappears in Nibelheim, she writes constant letters to him via Tseng. Only the final one,
tucked into an Angeal copy, makes its way to him four years later. Even in the afterlife, Aerith and
Zack remain together.
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- Angeal Hewley
- [CC] Zack's mentor in SOLDIER. Angeal was part of Project G - his mother, Gillian Hewley, was injected
with Jenova cells before she gave birth to him. His mutation later reveals itself in the form of one white
wing. He begins degrading, the same way Genesis does, and for most of the game he follows Genesis in an attempt to redeem himself. He has a very strong sense of honor, though this is often challenged and confused by the events that occur.
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- Argento
[DoC] A character that only appears in multiplayer mode in the Japanese
version. Originally a Tsviet, she only watches and instructs the
simulation, never fighting, but always keeping a sword by her side.
She wears an eyepatch over one eye.
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- Azul the Cerulean
[DoC] One of the five Tsviets. A hulking, hairy brute with blue hair, yellow eyes, and a
gigantic machine gun. His beastlike personfication is compounded by
the fact that he can turn into a giant horned animal similar to a
Behemoth. He lives for battle
and has absolutely no loyalties to anyone but Weiss.
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- Barret Wallace [HERO]
[FF7] The dark-skinned
leader of AVALANCHE is a trash-talkin', go-get-'em type of leader.
The gun-arm he got grafted onto him makes him a powerful force in
battle. He harbors deep hatred towards Shinra for needlessly
torching his town, North Corel. He cares deeply for his adopted daughter
Marlene. (See also Jobs:Gunner)
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[AC] Since the Meteor
incident, Barret has been searching for an alternative fuel source.
He just strikes oil when he gets the call from the others to stop
the children of Sephiroth.
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[DoC] Barret, along with Cloud and Tifa, acts as part of the ground assault on the Midgar Mako reactors.
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- Big Bro
[FF7] A cross-dressing macho guy who owns the gym in Wall
Market, and apparently people compete in squats competitions to
receive his wigs as prizes. Don't ask me...
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- Biggs
[FF7] The karate dude in AVALANCHE, he's a real decent guy. Too
bad he kicks the bucket.
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- Bugah, Elder
[FF7] One of the two wise men in Cosmo Canyon. Him and Hargo
make up Bugenhagen's name.
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- Bugenhagen
[FF7] Good old Bugen is the resident wise man, although it's
unnerving to hear him go "Ho Ho Hoo!" about everything. He has kind
of a weird sense of humour. He's Red XIII's grandfather, which
raises a lot of questions, let me tell you. He enjoys both nature
and machinery, an anomaly in RPGs.
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- Cait Sith [HERO]
[FF7] This cute little
guy is described as a "Toysaurus" in the manual. He's a toy cat riding a giant
Moogle. He starts out talking normally, but at
the end of the game degenerates into Southern drawl. He uses a
megaphone in battle to command his Moogle to attack. When the team
meets him at Gold Saucer, he specializes in telling fortunes. In
reality, he's controlled by Reeve, head of the Shinra Urban
Development Section. The nature of how he's being controlled is
still a mystery. Sometimes the cat shows he can move and act
independently of Reeve, showing that he's not directly
controlled by him. Other times Reeve can speak directly through
him. He originally joined Cloud to spy for Shinra, but he joins him
later when he realizes the evil nature of President Shinra and his
intentions. The first Cait Sith is destroyed halfway through the
game, but immediately replaced by Cait Sith No. 2. (See also
Summon:Stray and
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[AC] Cait Sith does
appear in FF7:AC, but nothing about what he's done in two years is
known. He is likely still controlled by Reeve, but seems to have
lost his puppet Moogle and now rides Red XIII. For some odd reason he
now has a Scottish accent.
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[DoC] Reeve continues to
use Cait Sith robots as a tool, disguise, and companion. Between
Meteorfall and the present, Reeve has lost Cait Sith nos. 2 through
4, probably through similar means as shown in the beginning of the
game, where Cait puts on a "Reeve suit" which is promptly
assassinated by a Deepground soldier. The real Reeve and the Cait
Sith in the suit stay unharmed. The player controls Cait for a
short segment in the game until number 5 gets consumed in darkness
in an attempt at infiltrating Deepground HQ. During this segment,
Cait Sith has pitiful attacks and HP, being more useful as a covert
stealth op. Later, Cait Sith No. 6 introduces himself aboard the
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- [CC] Cait Sith appears as a DMW summon, giving Zack positive statuses. He makes no other appearances in the story, though, and neither does Reeve.
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- Chaos
[DoC] In the original FF7, this was simply Vincent's final
Limit Break. However, in DoC we learn more about what Chaos really
is, that he is a sentient xenoform of the Planet. According to an
ancient Cetran tablet, Chaos is "soul wrought of terra corrupt" and
"Omega's squire to the lofty heavens". This indicates that Chaos is
a harbinger of lifestream and its job is to "scourge the world of
all things living, sending them back to the Lifestream" for Omega.
When Omega makes its journey to the stars, Chaos is left to remain
with the dying planet. The Planet also created a "Protomateria"
meant to control Chaos and prolong awaking Omega. Lucrecia finds a
way to create Chaos through Vincent using the "Chaos gene"; along
with the Protomatria, she finds an "impure" materia fountain which
apparently is meant to be the source of Chaos. She also implants
the Protomateria in him to help him control it. In the end, it is
through Chaos that Vincent stops Omega, returning both to the
Planet. (NOTE: Chaos is the final boss in FF1 and is the true nature of the Earl
Tyrant in FF: Unlimited. None of them appear to be directly related, however.)
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- Chocobo Bill, Gurin (JP)
- [FF7] This guy runs the Chocobo Farm.
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- Choco Billy, Guringurin (JP)
- [FF7] Bill Jr. takes care of the chocobo stables.
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- Chocobo Sage
[FF7] A strange purple old man who lives in a secluded hut, he
knows everything there is to know about special chocobos... that
is, if he can remember it, durnit...
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- Chole, Kurin (JP)
[FF7] Choco Billy's sister knows everything about the
individual chocobos that there is to know. She also can remember
the Chocobo Sage's illucid remarks.
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- Cid Highwind [HERO]
[FF7] A rough, crusty
middle-aged aviator. His dream was always to go into space, but
thanks to a bit of extra spot-checking by his underling Shera, who
put herself in danger to make sure the launch went through, he
ended up scrapping the whole project. He never really forgave her.
His technological prowess, like all Cids, is unmatched. He can
pilot anything. He uses a spear in battle and he's never without a
cigarette, or a long string of cuss words. (See also External Crossovers: Kingdom Hearts,
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[AC] He's kept busy
piloting a new airship, the Shera, and helps Cloud out several
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[DoC] He picks Vincent
up in the Shera en route to Midgar, and heads the air attack on
Deepground HQ. Apparently they've found a whole fleet of airships
like the Shera, even though they have no idea how they operate! We
find he has married Shera, and he's been able to cut down on the
cussing, although we do see him lighting up a cigarette again.
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- [CC] Cid is mentioned briefly as having begun training on Shinra Rocket 26.
- Cissnei
[CC] An upbeat but efficient member of the Turks, Cissnei interacts with Zack on various missions, and is sort of assigned to be his personal watcher at times. She uses a large Shuriken-type weapon, similar to Yuffie. She begins to have feelings for him, and when she is sent to eliminate him, she instead lets him go. She is important enough to him to be part of his DMW reel. She has said that she has no parents and was raised by Shinra. Several times, she mentions that "Cissnei" is not her real name. This is actually a reference to the cell phone game Before Crisis. In that game, Cissnei appears as a generic Turk (often referred to as "Shuriken") who does not have a default name, but must be named by the player. In other words, Cissnei doesn't have a real name.
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- Cloud Strife [HERO]
[FF7] The very dedicated hero of FF7 (although to what, he's not always entirely sure). He
sports a spiky hairdo and a purple SOLDIER outfit, and likes using
big swords (his Buster Sword first belonged to Angeal, and then Zack). He begins the game as a cold-hearted loner, but this is largely because he lost most of his memories after being an experiment of Hojo's. He's a childhood acquaintance of Tifa, though not quite as good a friend as he thinks. He is obsessed with destroying Sephiroth, but as it turns out, this urge is brought on by Sephiroth himself, to bring Cloud to the Jenova Reunion. As he explores more of himself, including his innate psychological weakness, he begins to open up and be more caring.
He also makes a surprise appearance as a
playable character in Tactics, after finishing a complicated
optional sequence of events. (See also Character:Tactics, External Crossovers: Kingdom Hearts,
External Crossovers: Ehrgeiz,
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[AC] Since the Meteor
incident two years ago, Cloud steadily separated himself from his
friends, up to the point where he hasn't seen any of them for two
years. No doubt his guilt over his action (or inaction) over
the death of Aerith (for whom he obviously
still carries a torch) has caused his estrangement,. With his motorcycle Fenrir, he runs a
delivery service with Tifa, from whom he receives his orders via
cellphone. His pattern is broken when he receives a call from Rufus
Shinra, and makes contact with the children of Sephiroth. He also
has a new sword, called "First Sword", which he
can split into two separate swords and reform to make one really
long one.
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[DoC] Cloud, along with
Barret and Tifa, participates in the ground assault on the Midgar
Mako reactors, using his trusty motorcycle, Fenrir. He also takes
on Rosso the Crimson, giving Vincent some time to sneak into the
Shinra building.
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- [CC] Cloud makes his first chronological appearance here as a Shinra soldier accompanying Zack, first on his mission to Modeoheim, then Nibelheim. Cloud becomes fast friends with Zack. He is important to Zack and appears as a DMW summon; Zack uses Cloud's Meteorain (or Meteor Shots) when Cloud is summoned. We find Cloud as a rather shy, overwhelmed young man, as befits his backwater origins, though he has a streak of courage and strength in him. In CC, Zack asks Cloud to "live both their lives" before he dies; this contradicts FF7's intimation that Cloud simply took on Zack's life out of a defense mechanism.
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- Mr. Coates
[FF7] The caretaker of a sort for the Corel Prison. He sees who
goes up to the Chocobo Races and who stays down.
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- Don Corneo
[FF7] I think Don is his first name, because he doesn't quite
strike you as a Godfather type of guy. He loves cigars and women
(getting a good picture yet?) He likes asking people inane
questions and then dropping them down into sewers. I think the
Corneo part comes from the word "carnal".
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- [CC] Corneo is mentioned briefly as the uncle of a girl who sends Zack on an optional mission.
- Denzel
[AC] Denzel is one of the orphans taken care of by Cloud and
Tifa. His parents were killed when the Sector 7 plate
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- Dio
[FF7] The mesomorphic owner of the Gold Saucer, who just loves
a good fight and collects tons of rare oddities. He's a nice guy
when he's not throwing you into dungeons for killing eight or so
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- [CC] Dio is mentioned briefly in one of the mission descriptions.
- Mayor Domino
[FF7] The token mayor under Shinra's claw, he's actually
starting to get a bit fed up with his joke of a job.
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- Dyne
[FF7] Barret's onetime friend and now-time enemy, he also has a
gun grafted onto his arm. After Shinra torched North Corel, killing
his wife Myrna as well as (he believed) his daughter Marlene, he
went fairly crazy. He ends up jumping off a cliff. He was the Boss
of the Corel Prison till then.
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- Elena
[FF7] The newbie Turk,
she really looks out of place with her blond mop and a black suit.
She's very opinionated and sort of naive. She tries to do the best
she can, which is amusing to her superiors.
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[AC] Elena shows up
briefly, still part of the Turks.
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- Elmyra Gainsborough, Elmina (JP)
[FF7] Aerith's foster mother, she adopted her when she found her
real mother, Ifalna, dying in the Midgar train station. She's cared
for her as her own ever since then, but is afraid that Aerith's powers
may get her into trouble. She cares for Marlene while Barret's out
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- Ester
[FF7] The chocobo racing guru, she takes a liking to Cloud and
guides him through his first few races. She looks kinda weird,
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- Genesis Rhapsodus (CC), G (DoC) [VILLAIN]
- [CC] Genesis is an old friend of Sephiroth and Angeal, and obsessed with the play "LOVELESS", which he quotes unceasingly. He is the product of Project G, where Gillian Hewley's cells were injected into him at infancy. He yearns to stop the deterioration of his cells, goaded on by Hollander, and doesn't care who or what gets in his way for it.
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[DoC] Three "G Reports" provide an insight into the fact that Genesis
was responsible for the evolution of Deepground from a medial facility into a laboratory, and that
the Tsviets are somehow "related" to him via this experimentation. If all three reports are collected,
at the end of the game we see Genesis taking Weiss's body and flying away with it.
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- Dr. Gast
[FF7] Hojo's direct opposite. An honorable scientist who
severed his ties to Shinra once he fell in love with his test
subject, a Cetra named Ifalna. He later married her, and his
daughter was Aerith. They set up residence in Icicle Inn. However,
Hojo and some Shinra troops broke in, murdered the good doctor, and
stole both mother and child.
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- Gillian Hewley
[CC] Angeal's mother and Hollander's wife (or girlfriend, perhaps). Gillian worked with Hollander as a fellow scientist, in a relationship mirroring that of Lucrecia and Hojo. She agreed to be injected with Jenova cells as part of Project G (named after her). When she discovered that Angeal and Genesis were decomposing, she committed suicide rather than live with herself.
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- Godo
[FF7] Yuffie's father, leader of Wutai, and master of the
pagoda. He's responsible for turning Wutai into a tourist
attraction, earning the ire of his daughter. After Yuffie wins
their fight, they reconcile, and he asks Cloud to take Yuffie on
his quest.
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- Grimoire Valentine
- [DoC] Vincent's father who worked with Lucrecia on discovering
Chaos and Omega. During the experiment, something went wrong and
his arm became coated in a dark, mysterious substance. He later died under mysterious
circumstances, but it is unknown if this was the cause.
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- Hargo, Elder
[FF7] The second wise man in Cosmo Canyon. Him and Bugah make
up Bugenhagen's name.
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- Hart
[FF7] Mayor Domino's money-grubbing sidekick.
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- Heidegger
[FF7] The guffawing,
bearded head of Shinra's military force, as well as the Turks, it's
hard to see how he made it that far. He's a complete incompetent
whose idea of discipline is throwing people off bridges.
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- Hojo [VILLAIN]
[FF7] The bespectacled,
hunchbacked resident scientific psychopath. He'll do anything, up
to and including destroying the known world, in the name of
research. Kind of kills the purpose, don't it? He's Sephiroth's
biological father, as well, and had no compunctions about experimenting on his own child.
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[DoC] Just before
Meteorfall, Hojo put his consciousness into the "world network"
before he died. Later, when the network was reactivated, he used
his knowledge of Deepground to bring forth Chaos and Omega. He also
possesses Weiss the Immaculate and uses this to control the Tsviets
and Deepground. His plan is to use Weiss as the incarnation of
Omega and traverse the galazy for all time. After Vincent defeats
Weiss/Hojo, his mind is driven out by "Dark Nero". He's also one of
the persons behind the creation of G.
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- [CC] Hojo is dismissive of Hollander, whose position he essentially stole, and equally so of Hollander's creations, Genesis and Angeal. He is protected by Zack in an attack on Shinra HQ when Hollander sends Genesis to kill him. Hojo also has a number of optional missions which pitch Zack against various experimental monsters, including virtual data of bosses.
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- Hollander
[CC] A mad scientist, the brains behind Project G and the experiments on Genesis and Angeal. He's also Angeal's father. Nursing a decades-long grudge against Shinra, he takes advantage of Genesis's confusion and anger to take his revenge on them. However, after Genesis turns against him, he is forced to infuse himself with Genesis's cells, resulting in his own deterioration.
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- Holzoff
[FF7] The intrepid explorer of Gaea's Cliff, who got stuck at
the bottom after seeing his friends fall off. He set up an outpost
near the base of the cliff to help weary travelers.
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- Ifalna
[FF7] The last surviving Ancient (or Cetra) was found by Dr.
Gast. He later fell in love and married her, and their daughter was
Aerith. Hojo broke into Gast's lab and stole both Aerith and Ifalna,
then wasted the doctor.
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[FF7] The name of a malevolent force from outer space which
crashed into Earth, causing a rupture which is still being healed.
Cells were taken from her and SOLDIERs were imbued with them;
Sephiroth was the result of an experiment based on her DNA, as were Genesis and Angeal.
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[AC] After the events of FF7, only the head of JENOVA has
survived (more accurately, a collection of JENOVA's cells), locked
in Northern Crater, until Rude and Reno retrieved it via
helicopter. Through this, the "children of Sephiroth" can join with
the head of JENOVA and resurrect Sephiroth.
- Jessie
[FF7] AVALANCHE's computer expert, she designs everything from
bombs to ID cards. She kind of has feelings for Cloud, but it
doesn't really pan out due to her dying.
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- Joe
[FF7] The master chocobo racer, whom no one can ever beat.
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- [CC] Joe is mentioned briefly, though not by name, by a woman in Midgar Sector 8 as the jockey of a black chocobo.
- Johnny
[FF7] Cloud's onetime buddy from Midgar. He looks like he stole
his hairdo from Johnny in Chrono Trigger. He can't really make up
his mind what he wants to do with his life.
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- Kadaj
[AC] The leader of the silver-haired men. Like the other three,
he is a "spirit of Sephiroth" - Sephiroth's thoughts made manifest
into three bodies. Obviously, Kadaj is the leader part of his
personality, brutal, intellectual, but also childish, and probably
the most insane. He wields a souba - a double-bladed katana.
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- Kotch
[FF7] Don Corneo's mohawked henchman, along with his buddy
Scotch. He's tied up by Shinra officials and rescued by Cloud.
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- Kunsel
[CC] A SOLDIER 2nd Class and one of Zack's friends in the department. He sends him e-mails with office gossip, and doesn't accept any of the rumors flying around about Zack.
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- Lazard Deusericus
[CC] The director of SOLDIER, and evidence points to him being President Shinra's illegitimate son and Rufus's half-brother. He nurses a grudge against Shinra for how he was treated, and turned to Hollander to help exact his revenge, clandestinely feeding him funding money. Unfortunately it backfired, leaving him as a decomposing Angeal clone.
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- Loz
[AC] Another of the children of Sephiroth. He has shorter hair
and more brute strength. He seems to be a bit of a crybaby. He
fights with Tifa in the church and wields the "dual hound", a
wrist-mounted stun gun.
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- Lucrecia Crescent
[FF7] Sephiroth's biological mother who fell for Hojo while
they were working at the Cetra project. She was forcefully injected
with JENOVA cells during gestation. Because of that, she becomes
partially immortal. She can't stand the pain, and leaves to a
secret cave inside a waterfall to waste away, yearning for her son
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[DoC] A Shinra Class A
scientist specializing in biotechnology. The events given to us by
the story are confusing, but we know a few things. Before she
joined with Hojo, she worked with Grimoire Valentine (Vincent's
father) on discovering Chaos and Omega, based on an ancient Cetran
tablet. She blames herself for the accident which likely killed
him. They also discovered the protomateria, and the crystalline
spring that is supposed to be the birthplace for Chaos. Later, she
joins with Hojo and has Vincent Valentine of the Turks assigned to
her as a bodyguard. We know that she harbored some affection for
Vincent, but ultimately turned away from him to proceed with Hojo's
experiement (Sephiroth). Vincent became angry at Hojo, asking why
he let this happen (assumably he's talking about taking her son
away from her). Hojo shoots him in response, then uses his body to
perform experiments on him, creating the monsters that he
transforms into. Lucrecia gets control of him and merges Vincent
with the Chaos gene to bring him back to life, and also provided
him with the Protomateria to control the gene. Vincent sees her in
the crystalline spring, but what we're exactly looking at is
unknown, since her body "crumbled" long ago (some theorize that her
appearance in the waterfall cave was just a reflection of herself).
At some point, Lucrecia makes a copy of her brain as a sort of
confession to Vincent. Later, Shelke uploads this image into her
brain to find Vincent and the Protomateria. She also gains some of
her personality as well.
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- Luxiere
[CC] A SOLDIER 2nd Class who looks up to Zack with something akin to hero worship, and sends him supportive e-mails.
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- Marlene
[FF7] Barrett's super-cute adopted kid (Dyne's daughter), she
tends the Seventh Heaven bar when Tifa's out. She's very involved
and likes being involved in all the gossip.
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[AC] Marlene has grown
quite a bit, and lives with Tifa, helping the orphans.
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- Minerva
[CC] A mysterious and very powerful woman. Minerva is the optional boss (a la Omega Weapon), but also appears for a brief moment during the ending sequence, when Genesis asks for the "gift of the Goddess". It's posited that she is the goddess of the Planet in some way.
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- Mukki
[FF7] A bizarre character who shows up in hot tubs and surfing.
He has a mustache and a good physique.
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- Myrna, Mena (JP)
[FF7] Barret's wife, who died in the North Corel fire.
- Nanaki
- See Red XIII.
- Nero the Sable
[DoC] One of the most powerful Tsviets, and the brother of
Weiss the Immaculate. He's probably the second in command of the
Tsviets. He wears some kind of elaborate harness around his body
and face that resembles Anima, as well as artificial
wings which make him look very similar to Chaos. He uses two
sub-machine guns, and can create duplicates of himself. His wings
also function as mechanical devices to help him fly or transform.
His powers come from darkness; he can trap people in it and crush
them. He can also teleport himself or other things via darkness. At
the end, Weiss/Hojo kills him and throws him aside, done with him.
But "Dark Nero" comes back and drives Hojo out of Weiss's body by
"merging" with Weiss to awaken Omega.
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- [CC] Though not seen, Nero and Weiss come to collect Genesis after the end of the game and take him to Deepground, where he is to become their "brother".
- Omega
[DoC] Omega is similar to the other Weapons created by the
Planet, but designed to to maintain and protect the flow of life in
the most dire circumstances. When the end of the world comes, Omega
is to awaken and collect all of Lifestream within it. Its squire,
Chaos, is meant to send any and all who are still living to
Lifestream in order to be collected. Only "pure" souls will become
Omega; Chaos is born from "impure" Lifestream. (Although the nature
of this "purity" is not well defined, it's evident that anyone with
Geostigma is "impure", and that the fountain where Lucrecia found
the Protomateria was also "impure".) Once Omega has all the lives,
sentient and non-sentient, it will begin a journey through the
stars (for points unknown, maybe to settle on another planet, maybe
as a floating testament to all which once lived) However,
Deepground, led by Weiss (who himself is controlled by Hojo) tries
to awaken Omega early by sacrificing pure lives (i.e. people clean
of Geostigma) to Mako Reactor 0. Doing this convinces Omega that
the end times are near, and causes it to awaken. However, by using
the Protomateria, Weiss/Hojo intends to merge with Omega (the same
way Vincent merged with Chaos) and give Hojo the power of
Lifestream and immortality. When "Dark Nero" merges with Weiss and
evokes Omega, the giant Weapon, nearly twice the size of Midgar,
begins sucking all the Lifestream from the planet. Vincent travels
through its core and destroys it, redistributing Lifestream back to
the Planet, along with itself and Chaos. (NOTE: Omega is also a major
player in FF: Unlimited.) (See
also Bosses:Omega
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- Palmer
[FF7] The sniveling, rotund head of the Space Department keeps
out of the picture as much as possible. Apparently he likes lard
with his tea and enjoys making juvenile faces at people he's
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- Priscilla
[FF7] A feisty little girl who lives in Junon. She has a
special friend called Mr. Dolphin.
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[FF7] A canine with red
fur, a dark expression, Native American-type ornaments, a tattoo on
his side saying XIII, and one eye. Red XIII, although in reality a
young lad of about fifteen by his race's timeline, acts very
mysterious and doesn't say much. He knows a lot more than he lets
on, about everything. His father was Seto, defender of the Cosmo
Canyon; his grandfather is Bugenhagen. His real name is Nanaki; Red
XIII was what Hojo called him when he grabbed him for biological
research. (See also Jobs:Red
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[AC] Red XIII appears
in FF7:AC, but not much is known about his past, except that he seems to
tolerate Cait Sith riding on his back. He has only a single line in
the movie.
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[DoC] Red only makes a
single appearance for a few seconds at the very end, sitting next
to Shelke outside Tifa's bar in Edge. He does not speak.
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- Reeve Tuesti
[FF7] The only normal guy
working for Shinra, he heads the Urban Development Section. Gotta
love his goatee! He's the one who's secretly controlling Cait Sith
from Midgar. He's got a good head on his shoulders, even if his
loyalties are a bit confused to begin with.
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[DoC] Since the fall of
Shinra and Midgar, Reeve has become the commissioner of the World
Regenesis Organization (WRO), a loose military organization
dedicated to helping the healing of the planet and stopping those
who would do it harm. They are funded by an anonymous sponsor, of
whom Reeve has only ever met a representative. However, he suspects
that it is someone who owes a great debt to the Planet. Reeve has
also become the commander-in-chief in the fight against Deepground.
He still has Cait Sith following him around and uses him to go on
missions and do other work for him.
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- Reno
[FF7] The head of the
Turks after Tseng is taken out, he's got an attitude a mile thick.
He enjoys a good drink and never does anything beyond what his job
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[AC] Reno plays a
prominent role in AC. Acting in cahoots with his partner Rude, he
acts as the liaison for Rufus Shinra, and still wields a mean
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- [CC] Reno makes only a few brief appearances throughout the game, generally accompanied by Rude and/or Cissnei, either fighting monsters or doing recon work via helicopter.
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- Rosso the Crimson
[DoC] A femme fetale and member of the Tsviets. She speaks with
a thick Russian accent and a thirst for killing. She destroys
several WRO members, and manages to steal the Protomateria from
him, though Yuffie then grabs Vincent before she can kill him.
Later, she and Cloud fight on top of the Midgar plate while Vincent
works his way underground. When Vincent reaches the top of the
Shinra building, they fight, and Vincent wins. Rather than give
someone else the pleasure of killing her, she cuts away the edging
she is standing on and falls off the Shinra building.
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- Rude
[FF7] The bald, silent
member of the Turks, he just goes along with whatever Reno tells
him. He's a very solid guy and takes everything in stride. He
enjoys a good gambling night. Cool shades.
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[AC] Along with his
partner Reno, they act as Rufus Shinra's link to the outside world,
seeking the spirits of Sephiroth.
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- [CC] Like Reno, Rude makes a few appearances during the game, but not in any major role.
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- Rufus Shinra
[FF7] The cool-hair
white-coat vice-president of Shinra Inc. becomes president by
default when Sephiroth kills his old man. Although he isn't taken
to hysterical laughter, he nevertheless doesn't care too much for
people other than himself. When forced to work together with Cloud,
he's at least civil about it.
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[AC] Cloud discovers
that Rufus Shinra did not die in the destruction of Shinra Tower by
Diamond Weapon. He has been hiding out in Mideel, afflicted with
Geostigma and confined to a wheelchair (or is he?).
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- [CC] Rufus is briefly mentioned as attaining the VP job in an e-mail dispatch, but does not appear otherwise.
- Scarlet
[FF7] The sexy boss of
the weapons department knows her stuff - she's got better aim than
her entire force put together. She does tend to laugh at a lot of
nothing, but she's caught the maniac syndrome like too many other
heads of things. When push comes to shove, she doesn't do much
that's worth anything.
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- Sephiroth [VILLAIN/GUEST]
[FF7] The ultra-powerful
genealogical son of JENOVA (biological son of Hojo and Lucrecia). He used to be a highly regarded
general, and hero of the Midgar-Wutai war. When on a routine
mission to Mt. Nibel, he found research in Shinra Manor leading him
to believe the truth - that his "mother" is a planet-devouring
entity, his true father is a medical psychopath, and he's a supernatural experiment. This knowledge breaks his
spirit - he stabs Zack, Tifa, and Cloud, steals JENOVA's head and
disappears until he assassinates President Shinra. His quest - to
wound the planet enough that he can merge with Lifestream,
destroying the world. (See also External Crossovers: Kingdom Hearts)
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Bizarro Sephiroth
Safer Sephiroth
[AC] Though Sephiroth
has indeed been vanquished and absorbed into the Lifestream, his
will is too strong to be so easily assimilated. His refusal to be
absorbed contaminated the surrounding spirit energy, and this
manifested itself into the silver-haired men, Kadaj, Loz, and
Yazoo, also known as the Spirits of Sephiroth. They are all parts
of his personality, and his consciousness. The only way for
Sephiroth to truly return is for one of these spirits to join with
JENOVA. This will give him the chance to transmogrify his will and
become tangible again.
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- [CC] Sephiroth plays a much larger role in CC, both as friend to Angeal and Genesis, and mentor to Zack after Angeal disappears. Before his traumatic discovery of his roots, he is an honorable if taciturn soldier, who cares deeply about his friends.
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- Seto
[FF7] Red XIII's father and defender of Cosmo Canyon from the
Gi tribe. He took their poison arrows and turned to stone, but
still watches over the canyon. He let everyone believe he was a
coward, but in truth he was the real hero.
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- Shalua Rui
[DoC] Shalua is one of
the WRO's top scientists. Her mom died when she was young. Shortly
after, her sister Shelke was recruited or kidnapped, seven years
before Meteorfall, likely by Shinra for some of their underground
experiments. She wears glasses and a lab coat, but under it not
much more than a bustier and two strips of cloth. In her search for
Shelke, she's undergone unspecified trauma; she lost her left arm,
now using a nearly useless artificial one, her left eye is
permanently shut, and more than half of her organs are now
artificial. Her artificial arm is destroyed when she holds the door
open for Shelke and Vincent, holding them off from Azul the
Cerulean. She is later found unconscious and placed in a capsule.
When the Shera goes down, her capsule is left somewhere in Midgar,
apparently still unfound.
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- Shelke the Transparent
[DoC] Shelke was kidnapped at age nine, ten years ago, and
inducted into the Tsviets. Because she was small, her usefulness
was more as an information gatherer, with a brain capable of diving
into networks (through something called a "synaptic net dive") and
can incorporate computer data into her psyche. Because of this she
became emotionless and cold. Her body became weak and requires a
daily dose Mako, and she still looks like a nine-year-old. During
the assault on Midgar, she guides Vincent via cell phone from her
info base on the Shera. Later, thanks to the sacrifice of Shalua
and the comfort of people around her she opens up, and becomes more
human. In battle, she uses a glowing set of two laser swords
attached by a whip-like cord, and can turn herself invisible or
bring up a force shield.
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- Shera
[FF7] Cid's faithful helper tried a little too hard and earned
his neverending wrath for making him destroy his dream of space
travel to save her life. After that, she lives to serve him; taking
all the verbal abuse he dishes out in an effort to atone for her
botch-up. She eventually proves her self-worth, however, when her
fears for the launch prove correct after all.
[AC/DoC] Cid's married Shera in the two years since Meteorfall,
and named his new airship after her.
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- President Shinra
[FF7] President Shinra rules Midgar with an iron fist, controlling
his interests through money and media. He claims to be serving the
public's best interests while sucking the life energy out of the
planet. He gets his just desserts, though - Sephiroth stabs him through the back
with an enormous sword, right in his office. His son Rufus takes
over, and he's not much better.
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[DoC] We learn that the president was behind the Deepground
project, which remained top-secret until the events in Dirge of
- Skotch
[FF7] Head henchman of Don Corneo, with his friend Kotch.
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- Tifa Lockhart [HERO]
[FF7] The buxom barkeep
of Seventh Heaven has a heart of gold. She always tries to put a
silver lining in things. When required, however, she's
deadly with her fists. She cares deeply for Cloud, who knew her as a child, and tries to protect him psychologically. Her goal in life is really to help other
people. Tifa has become, at least in the online population, the de
facto sex symbol for Final Fantasy solely due to her physical
dimensions; her personality isn't promiscuous in any way. (See also
External Crossovers: Ehrgeiz,
External Crossovers: Kingdom
Hearts 2, Jobs:Monk))
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[AC] Tifa has spent the
past two years in Edge, the city formed slightly outside of Midgar
after it was demolished by Meteor. She and Cloud run an orphanage
for those whose homes were destroyed by Meteor. To fund this, they
also run a delivery service - Tifa takes the orders, Cloud
transfers the goods. Tifa's proportions are far more realistic
here than in the original.
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[DoC] Tifa makes a brief
appearance as part of the ground attack on the Midgar reactors, and
again in her bar in the ending.
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- [CC] Tifa appears in her role in FF7 "five years ago" - as a guide for Zack and Sephiroth. She is not in any other major scenes.
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- Tseng
[FF7] The head of the
Turks is super-cool; he's the only guy you never fight. He does
kidnap Aerith, but she's still sad when he dies: he's one of the
only people she knew since childhood, even if he was watching her on behalf of the Science Department the whole time. Sephiroth severely injures him at the Materia Temple, and he is not seen for the rest
of the game.
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[AC] Tseng regains his
position as leader of the Turks, and makes a short appearance.
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- [CC] We see more of Tseng (pronounced "Tsung") in CC. He accompanies Zack on many of his missions, and is important enough in Zack's life to appear in his DMW reel. We see that he really does care for Aerith, though he almost never lets his true feelings out about anything. He is efficient and serious, but stops just short of ruthless.
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- Vincent Valentine [HERO]
[FF7] A former Turk, he
fell in love with Lucrecia while working with Dr. Gast and Hojo. He
kept his feelings to himself, seeing her feelings for Hojo instead
of him. However, when Hojo took her baby for the JENOVA experiment,
Vincent confronted Hojo and lost; his punishment was to be
transformed into an undead. One of his hands is metallic gold; he
wears a red cape and can transform into other monsters during
battle. He uses a shotgun to attack normally. Perhaps because of
his predicament, he's very quiet and only tags along to get rid of
Sephiroth. (See also External
Crossovers:Ehrgeiz, Jobs:Gunner)
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[AC] Vincent has been
apparently wandering the planet for the past two years. Somehow he
manages to find out about the Spirits of Sephiroth, and is able to
get in touch with Tifa. Marlene mocks him for not having a cell
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[DoC] One year after AC,
Vincent is the central protagonist in DoC. We learn that Vincent
was part of the Turks, and assigned as protection for Lucrecia
Crescent. Through his service he fell for her, though she did not
return the feeling. Instead, she decided to join with Hojo. She
also decided to experiment on her own child (Sephiroth), much to
his protests. During a confrontation with Hojo over this, Hojo
shoots him, and uses his corpse for experimentation, making
Vincent's body nearly indestructable. Somewhere, Lucrecia gets a
hold of him and merges him with the Chaos, only possible through
Hojo's previous experiments. Later, Vincent transforms into Chaos
before her eyes, and she narrowly implants the Protomateria in his
body to help him control it. Hojo finds out, and laughs at her
unfeeling attitude toward science, just like him. Lucrecia is
consumed with guilt and runs away. Somewhere along the lines,
Vincent leaves the capsule he was in, obtains his clothes, and
crawls into his coffin. Although he's just as taciturn, his
feelings, especially for Lucrecia, begin to bubble to the surface.
Although he is aloof, and short of speech, he's kinder than he
looks, and always willing to help others.
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- [CC] Vincent's coffin can be seen when Zack is in Nibelheim, but Zack decides not to open it.
- Wedge
[FF7] The roundish third member of AVALANCHE, he's the
fireworks/explosives specialist. He's also the most
vulnerable-sounding of the bunch.
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- Weiss the Immaculate
[DoC] Pronounced "Veiss" (the German way). The leader of the
Tsviets, his body is deep, deep, deep underground in Mako Reactor
0. Near the beginning, he delivers a message over television where
he tells the world that the pure will be "spared", the tainted will
be hunted down and exterminated. We don't see him again until the
very end, where we discover that his body is possessed by none
other than Hojo. (Nero seems to agree with Yuffie that Weiss is
actually dead and will be reborn, but this seems difficult
to reconcile with the message he sent earlier). Hojo escaped death
during Meteorfall by implanting his inner being into the World
Network, then using his knowledge of Deepground to possess Weiss,
and use Nero's affection for his brother to his advantage, he
commands Deepground to create a pure lifestream to bring about
Omega. Then Weiss will merge with Omega and become immortal. After
"Dark Nero" purges Weiss of Hojo's essence, Weiss continues his
mission to bring about Omega of his own volition.
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- [CC] Though not seen, Weiss appears with Nero to take Genesis away to Deepground in a helicopter at the end of the game.
- Yazoo
[AC] One of the three children of Sephiroth, with long hair and
an sword-pistol (not a gunblade). He is more heartless and aloof
than the other two. Has the least screen time of the three
silver-haired men.
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- Yuffie Kisaragi [HERO]
[FF7] Although born in
the traditional oriental town of Wutai, Yuffie's a twerpy, clueless
kind of kid who just happens to be a ninja. She has a spot of
kleptomania when it comes to materia, and she'll steal even from
friends. She's very disappointed in her father Godo's way of
running Wutai; that's why she ran away. Her pinwheels are pretty
deadly in battle; she's stronger than she looks! (See also
External Crossovers:Ehrgeiz,
External Crossovers: Kingdom
Hearts, (See also Jobs:Ninja)
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[AC] Yuffie returns in
AC, apparently indolent about Cloud losing "her" materia. Little
else is known about her though.
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[DoC] Yuffie rescues
Vincent twice, and tags along with the WRO several times (she's
never awake during Vincent's fights for various reasons, though, so
he can't count on her as a party member). She's just as hyper as
before, but seems to have toned down the urge to steal stuff.
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- [CC] Yuffie appears as a ten-year-old, first when Zack infiltrates Fort Tamblin in Wutai, and later in a variety of optional missions, during which she sends anonymous e-mails to Zack with treasure tips, then generally steals the treasure when he's done beating up the monsters. Apparently she got his e-mail address by listening in at AVALANCHE meetings.
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- Zack, Zax (JP) [HERO]
[FF7] Cloud's alterego
of a sort. He was the real SOLDIER; Cloud just thought he was one.
A confused Cloud took over his job, so to speak, and his persona,
after Zack was killed by Shinra soldiers. His parents live in
Gongaga. (See also External
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[AC] Appears as a
ghost/image in Cloud's mind at the end.
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- [CC] Zack is the hero of Crisis Core. Angeal calls him "Zack the Puppy" due to his ebullient energy and insistence on rushing into things. As the game progresses, Zack gets more thoughtful and caring. He is in love with Aerith and after escaping from Shinra Manor, becomes almost motherly towards Cloud. Although not really understanding the term, he embodies Angeal's vision of honor, and always tries to do what's right even if he's sometimes confused about events around him.
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- Zangan
[FF7] The old martial arts master, who also taught Tifa. He
helps out in the Nibelheim fire, but isn't seen after that. He
cared for Tifa while she was in a coma from Sephiroth's sword.
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