Final Fantasy Compendium


Appearances: FF1, FF3, FF4, FF5, FF6, FF7, FF8, FF9, FF11, FF12RW, FFT, FFTA, FFTA2
Aliases: Black Belt, Master, Kareteka, White Monk

Monks are known for their weaponless approach to fighting, relying on the way of the fist (later, it switches to claws). What they lack in strength, the make up for in HP and endurance. Their costumes often indicate some sort of Far East training, and their ability to equip armor or weapons is lacking or even non-existent. They also come with the Counter ability, which causes the user to reflexively attack after being physically attacked.

Similar Job Classes:

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NAME: Black Belt (NA) / Monk (JP)
OVERVIEW: Evolves into Master. The Black Belt has greater strength with no weapons. It can actully get weaker by equipping some armor or weapons.
WEAPONS: Masamune, Iron Staff, Power Staff, Wooden Staff, Iron Nunchuk, Wooden Nunchuk
ATTRIBUTES: High HP, high defense, low magic

NAME: Master (NA) / Super Monk (JP)
OVERVIEW: Evolved from Black Belt. The Master can actully get weaker by equipping some armor or weapons.
WEAPONS: Masamune, Iron Staff, Power Staff, Iron Nunchuk, Wooden Nunchuk
ATTRIBUTES: High HP, low magic

OVERVIEW: Fights with an axe, but resembles a Black Belt. Weapons and armor stated is initial equipment.

NAME: Josef
OVERVIEW: Does not resemble Black Belt but fights unarmed.
WEAPONS: Unarmed

NAME: Monk
OVERVIEW: Evolves into Karateka and equips Nunchucks.
WEAPONS: Bare Hands, Nunchuck, Tonfa Nunchuck, 3-Part Nunchuck
  • Fight - Attack with equipped weapon
  • Defend - Increase defense for one turn
  • Run - Run away from battle
  • Item - Use an item from inventory
  • ATTRIBUTES: High HP, high strength, low magic, low magic defense

    NAME: Karateka (FF3) / Black Belt (FF3DS)
    OVERVIEW: Evolved from Monk and equips Claws.
    WEAPONS: Bare Hands, Kaiser Claw, Cat Claw, Dragon Claw, Elven Claw, HellClaw
  • Fight - Attack with equipped weapon
  • BuildUp - Increase attack power but reduce defense to zero for one turn
  • Run - Run away from battle
  • Item - Use an item from inventory
  • ATTRIBUTES: High strength, high agility, high HP, low magic, low magic defense

    NAME: Yang Fang Leiden
    OVERVIEW: He is called a Monk in JP and a Karateka in NA.
    WEAPONS: Uses claws best
  • Power/BuildUp - Delay attack for 2x damage
  • Kick - Jump kick all enemies for low damage
  • Bear/Endure - Increase defense
  • ATTRIBUTES: High strength, high HP, low speed, low magic


    NAME: Monk
    OVERVIEW: The Kaiser Knuckles accessory increases the power of Brawl and Kick. They cannot equip weapons.
    WEAPONS: None
  • !Kick - Damage all enemies, more damage at high levels (default, cannot be earned as selectable ability)
  • !Focus - Delay attack one turn for an attack that has twice damage
  • Barehanded - Do same amount of damage barehanded as a Monk
  • !Chakra - Restore HP, remove Poison and Dark status
  • Counter - Counter with physical attack when attacked
  • HP+10% - Increase max HP by 10%
  • HP+20% - Increase max HP by 20%
  • HP+30% - Increase max HP by 30%
  • ATTRIBUTES: High strength, high HP, low magic

    NAME: Sabin
    OVERVIEW: The Blitz chosen is based on combinations of controller buttons, like Zell and Auron.
    WEAPONS: Claws
  • Pummel - Moderate physical damage to one random enemy regardless of enemy defense
  • Aura Bolt - Holy-elemental blast to one random enemy
  • Suplex - Lift enemy into air and send crashing down for high damage
  • Fire Dance - Uses spirit to engulf all enemies in fire damage
  • Mantra - Lifts status ailments and heals all characters except self (amount of healing is equal to current HP divided among allies)
  • Air Blade - Lift enemy into air for wind damage to all enemies
  • Spiraler - Sacrifice self to restore HP and cure status ailments
  • Bum Rush - Attack single enemy for massive damage regardless of enemy defense
  • ATTRIBUTES: High attack power, high speed, high defense

    NAME: Tifa Lockheart
    OVERVIEW: Tifa's limit is based on learning different fighting techniques. They are selected through a slot system whether they are performed.
    WEAPONS: Gloves
    LIMITS: Beat Rush, Somersault, Waterkick, Meteodrive, Dolphin Blow, Meteor Strike, Final Heaven
    ATTRIBUTES: Average stats all-around

    NAME: Zell Dincht
    OVERVIEW: Zell's limit break is based on controller button combinations, similar to Sabin and Auron.
    WEAPONS: Gloves
    Duel: Punch Rush, Booya, Heel Drop, Mach Kick, Dolphin Blow, Meteor Strike, Burning Rave, Meteor Barret, Different Beat, My Final Heaven
    ATTRIBUTES: Low magic power, low magic defense

    NAME: Amarant Coral
    OVERVIEW: Amarant can "Throw" which is also a Ninja ability. He can also use "Spare Change" which is a Samurai ability.
    WEAPONS: Claws
  • Throw - Throw an item from the inventory
  • Chakra - Ally recovers 20% of HP and MP
  • Spare Change - Throw gil at enemy to cause damage
  • No Mercy - Attack for massive damage
  • Aura - Cast Regen and Auto-Life on an ally
  • Curse - Make enemy weak against elemental attacks
  • Revive - Revive KO'd party member
  • Countdown - Cast Death Sentence on enemy
  • Demi Shock - Cast gravity spell
  • Elan - Use Flair magic, but target all of a party instead of a single target
  • SUPPORT ABILITIES (character specific): Power Up, Power Throw
    ATTRIBUTES: High speed, high strength, low magic power

    NAME: Monk
    OVERVIEW: The Monk fights fast and furious and relies on a variety of abilities.
    WEAPONS: Uses bare hands or claws best
  • Hundred Fists - Speed up attacks
  • Boost - Enhance next attack
  • Dodge - Enhance evasion
  • Focus - Enhance accuracy
  • Chakra - Cure status effects and restore a small amount of HP
  • Chi Blast - Chi projectile attack
  • Counterstance - Increases chance to counter, but lowers defense
  • SUPPORT ABILITIES: Martial Arts, Subtle Blow, Counter, Max HP Boost, Kick Attacks
    ATTRIBUTES: High speed, high HP, high attack power

    NAME: Monk / Champion
    OVERVIEW: Only enemy bangaa can be monks.
  • Roundhouse (Deal damage to surrounding enemies)
  • Chakra (Restore HP and status)
  • Focus (Gather power for next attack)
  • Far Fist (Deal ranged damage)
  • Flurry (Attack three times)

  • FF: Tactics
    NAME: Monk
    OVERVIEW: Only females can equip a Ribbon. Otherwise Monks cannot equip weapons, armor, or headgear. They can attack from near or far and have a variety of abilities.
    WEAPONS: None
    Martial Arts/Punch Art (PSX):
  • Cyclone/Spin Fist (PSX) - Attacks with spinning fist
  • Pummel/Repeating Fist (PSX) - Punch repeatedly
  • Aurablast/Wave Fist (PSX) - Attack from afar
  • Shockwave/Earth Slash (PSX) - Unleash energy in a line, splitting the earth
  • Doom Fist/Secret Fist (PSX) - Causes death gradually
  • Purification/Stigma Magic (PSX)- Recover from abnormal status
  • Chakra - Restore HP and MP
  • Revive - Restore a fallen ally to life
    Reaction Abilities: Critical:Recover HP/HP Restore (PSX) - restore HP when terminal; Counter - attack after being attacked; First Strike/Hamedo (PSX)- attack before being attacked
    Support Abilities: Brawler/Martial Arts (PSX) - Gain fighting strength of a Monk
    Move Abilities: Lifefont/Move-HP Up (PSX) - Recover HP while moving
  • ATTRIBUTES: High evasion, high HP, high attack power

    FF: Tactics Advance
    NAME: White Monk
    OVERVIEW: A Bangaa only class, they combine White Magic with long range attacks.
    WEAPONS: Knuckles/Claws
    Monk Tech:
  • Whirlwind - Damage adjacent units
  • Air Render - Long range attack
  • Earth Render - Multiple hit attack
  • Far Fist - Long range area attack
  • Chakra - Heal HP
  • Revive - Revive target
  • Exorcise - Destroy zombies
  • Holy Sign - Neutralize status ailments
    Reaction Abilities: Reflex (avoid regular attacks), Counter (counterattack after hit)
    Support Abilities: None
    Combo: Monk Combo
  • ATTRIBUTES: High evasion, low MP

    FF: Tactics A2
    NAME: White Monk
    OVERVIEW: Identical to the FFTA White Monk.
    WEAPONS: Claws
  • Roundhouse - Damage adjacent units
  • Air Render - Long range attack
  • Earth Render - Multiple hit attack
  • Aurablast - Long range area attack
  • Chakra - Heal HP
  • Revive - Revive target
  • Exorcise - Destroy zombies
  • Holy Sign - Neutralize status ailments
    Reaction Abilities: Reflex (avoid regular attacks), Counter (counterattack after hit)
    Support Abilities: None
  • Traits of Monk in Other Games

    FF6: Gau fights bare-handed.
    FF6: The Black Belt accessory equips the wearer with the Counter ability.
    FF8: The GF Carbuncle teaches the Counter ability.
    FF8: The "Monk's Code" item teaches GF's the "Counter" ability.
    FF9: One of the supported abilities is Counter.
    FF10: Some weapons include a Counter ability.
    FF10: In the storyline, Auron is a monk, although he shares few other characteristics besides high HP. His Overdrive is also based on controller button combinations like Zell and Sabin.
    FFX-2: The Berserker includes Counter abilities

    Elfheim #2 Night Wynd Enterprises Comic Book picture

    Elfheim #2 Night Wynd Enterprises Comic Book


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    Elfheim #4 VF/NM; Night Wynd | we combine shipping


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    Elfheim (Vol. 2) #3 VF/NM; Night Wynd | we combine shipping


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    Elfheim (Vol. 2) #1 VF/NM; Night Wynd | we combine shipping


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    Elfheim Volume 4 #1 FN/VF 7.0 1992 Stock Image


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    Elfheim Volume 1 #1 VG 1991 Stock Image Low Grade


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    Elfheim #4 Night Wynd Enterprises Comic Book


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    Elfheim Volume 3 #1 FN 1992 Stock Image


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    Elfheim (Vol. 3) #4 FN; Night Wynd | we combine shipping


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    Elfheim #1-4 VF/NM complete series - barry blair - night wynd comics set 2 3 lot


    Final Fantasy, all games and animation bearing the Final Fantasy name, and all characters in said games or animation are copyright their respective creators, including but not limited to Squaresoft, Square Enix, Square EA, Tokyo TV, and ADV Films.