Two years after the events of Final Fantasy VII, Midgar has become a ruins, and a disease known as Geostigma, caused by Jenova cells mixing with lifestream, is spreading over the world. While the others have gone on with their lives, Cloud lives a solitary life traveling around the world on his motorcycle as a courier, headquartered by Tifa. When three silver-haired men attack Cloud in the wasteland, he realizes that Sephiroth's legacy didn't die in Northern Crater as they thought, and he must prevent his resurrection.
The first part of the "compilation of FFVII", along with "Before Crisis", "Crisis Core", "Dirge of Cerberus", and "Last Order". It was originally meant to be a visual presentation by Visual Works, a CG company, then grew to a full-length movie. Directed by Tetsuya Nomura, and several other Final Fantasy veterans.
Director: Tetsuya Nomura, Takeshi Nozue
Event Scenario Writer: Kazushige Nojima
Producer: Shinji Hashimoto, Yoshinori Kitase
Music: Kenichiro Fukui, Kyosuke Himuro ("Calling"), Keiji Kawamori, Tsuyoshi Sekito, Nobuo Uematsu
Film Editing: Keiichi Kojima
Art Direction: Yusuke Naora
Buy FF7:AC Merchandise at the FFC Store!
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Original Soundtrack (2005)
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