trans·por·ta·tion / n. 1. Conveying; being conveyed. 2a. System of conveying. b. Means of this. [L. portare carry]
Getting a new kind of vehicle is a thrill in any Final Fantasy game. Here's a rundown of every type of transportational device in any FF game. (Note that there are NO transportational devices in Tactics.) Enjoy! The large airship pics from FF9 were taken from this site; I was unable to find any contact information, so I do not have express permission to post the pictures. I'm assuming the owner doesn't mind, though. ^^;
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FF1 - Not Named Can only land on grass plains; can travel over mountains. |
FF2 - Not named Can only land on grass plains; can travel over mountains. |
FF3 - Cid's Airship Can't travel over mountains, can only land on grass. |
FF3 - Enterprise Can't travel over mountains; can only land on water, where it transforms into a ship. |
FF3 - Nautilus Can't travel over mountains; at first it can only land on grass plains; after upgrading, it can land on water and turn into a submarine. It's fast enough to fight the winds on the Dalug continent. |
FF3 - Invincible Can land over any terrain besides water, because it never actually lands! You just take a ladder down from it. It has four vending machines, a free bed, and a Fat Chocobo inside it. Also, in any fights you encounter (on the Dalug continent), it will automatically give a cannon blast to the enemies at the start of the fight. You can leap over a small mountain path by pressing A. |
FF4 - Enterprise Can only land on grass plains, can go over mountains; after upgrading, it can pick up the Hovercraft using a winch. |
FF4 - Enemy Airship/Falcon Can only land on grass plains, can go over mountains; after upgrading, it can drill a hole from the underworld to the overworld. |
FF4 - Magical Ship/Big Whale/Lunar Whale A giant spaceship used to travel to the moon; you can rest inside or visit a free Chubby Chocobo. |
FF5 - Not Named At first it can only be used as an airship (can only land on plain grass; can go over mountains) but later it can turn into a ship and a submarine. It can also head up to a floating city when reinforced with Adamantite. |
FF6 - Blackjack Can go over mountains; can only land on plains. Inside is an item shop, a place to rest up, and a man who will de-equip any non-active characters; all the characters you have hang out inside. It has a casino which you can't play. 8-) You can also take it to the floating continent at the end of the first half of the game. |
FF6 - Falcon Same as Setzer's Airship, minus the shop, HP refill, and casino. |
FF7 - Highwind Can go over mountains; can only land on plains, and only ones which can fit it. You can ride a Chocobo inside it and ride it out again. There's a man who acts as a save point inside, and all the characters hang out there. You can also land inside the Northern Crater at the end of the game. |
| FF7AC/DoC - Shera Cid's new airship makes a brief appearance in AC; the inside doesn't look that much different from the Highwind, but the outside's been totally revamped! You can explore it more fully in DoC, where it's revealed that it was found, not built. Cid managed to put the Highwind's pinup design on the bridge floor, though. |
FF8 - Balamb Garden A Centra Shelter which acts as a hovercraft. It moves maddeningly slow, but can go through ocean as well as land. It can only go onto land via seashores, though. It can't land on forests or water. It can enter Fishermans Horizon automatically. Inside BG is a massive school for SeeDs; see Places for more info. |
FF8 - Ragnarok A giant spaceship which acts as an airship. There's an autopilot control which lets you travel directly to any location on the map. The Ragnarok can land directly on Fishermans Horizon, Esthar Airstation, or Deep Sea Research Center. In Disc 4, if the Card Club Quest has been completed, the entire Card Club will be on the ship. |
FF9 - Prima Vista This is the theater ship for the Tantalus theater group, used at the beginning of the game. This airship can only be ridden on, not driven. |
FF9 - Cargo Ship This airship can only be ridden on, not driven. |
FF9 - Hilda Garde 1 This airship can only be ridden on, not driven. |
FF9 - Hilda Garde 2 This airship can only be ridden on, not driven. |
FF9 - Red Rose This airship can only be ridden on, not driven. |
FF9 - Hilda Garde 3 Can go anywhere, but can only land on green or brown plains. |
FF9 - Invincible Can go anywhere, but can't land in forests, mountains, or water. |
FF10 - Not Named It's your ticket to going anywhere, anytime! You can't actually fly around in it, but you can select locations from a list. |
FFX-2 - Celsius The gullwings use this ship shaped like a motorcycle to sphere hunt. You can't actually fly around in it, but you can select locations from a list, just like in FF10. |
FF11 - Not Named Airships act as a taxi service from one of the three main countries, and a pass must be acquired to use it. Tickets are 200 gil after obtaining this pass. All airships must pass through Jeuno on their destinations, as this is the port hub. Airships can only land and take off in water, and each country has a seaport for this. |
FF12 - Strahl The Strahl, available near the end of the game, can't be directly controlled, but it can take you to over a dozen different locations, allowing you to board and disembark instantly. You can't go absolutely anywhere, but judicious use of the Strahl and gate crystals will get you there. It can turn invisible, as well! You can also travel by commercial airship for a fee. |
FF12 - Galbana The Galbana used to be Feolthanos's ship, but Vaan's Clan Galbana hijacks it! You can visit the bridge and a huge Sky Saloon inside it, and it can travel around Lemurés as well as Ivalice. It's your base for pretty much the whole game. |
FF: Legend of the Crystals - Iron Wing Can go anywhere but outer space. Has some really good firepower. |
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FFTA2 - Airship A ferry between the two major continents of Loar and Ordalia. |
MotorMobiles from FF7
Cars and vehicles from FF8
FF1 and FF1 WSC Can only dock at white docks. |
FF2 One ship that you cannot control travels between Paloom and Poft. You can control Leila's ship, however. Both ships have the same sprite. |
FF3 The S.S. Enterprise can be upgraded into an airship once Cid receives the Wheel of Time (see above). |
FF5 The Fire Ship is quickly sunk, but the airship can transform into a boat. |
FF6 Cannot be controlled. |
FF7 - Cargo Ship Cannot be controlled. Takes you across the ocean to Costa Del Sol. |
FF8 White SeeD ship cannot be controlled, but has unfurlablesails. |
FF9 - Card The Blue Narciss was propelled by steam rather than wind, it was the prototype for the airship Hilda Garde 3. |
FF11 None of the boats can be controlled. They include a ferry and the Manaclipper. |
From left: Nautilus from 3, sub from 5, outer view of sub from 5, Shinra Sub from 7 (screen and FMV shots).
Elfheim #2 Night Wynd Enterprises Comic Book
Elfheim #4 VF/NM; Night Wynd | we combine shipping
Elfheim (Vol. 2) #3 VF/NM; Night Wynd | we combine shipping
Elfheim (Vol. 2) #1 VF/NM; Night Wynd | we combine shipping
Elfheim Volume 4 #1 FN/VF 7.0 1992 Stock Image
Elfheim #4 Night Wynd Enterprises Comic Book
Elfheim Volume 1 #1 VG 1991 Stock Image Low Grade
Elfheim Volume 3 #1 FN 1992 Stock Image
Elfheim (Vol. 3) #4 FN; Night Wynd | we combine shipping
Elfheim (Vol. 2) #2 VF/NM; Night Wynd | we combine shipping