Final Fantasy Compendium

mon·ster / n. 1. Frightening imaginary creature. 2. Cruel or wicked person. 3. Large, usu. ugly or misshapen, animal or thing. [L monstrum fr. monere warn]

Ever since Final Fantasy I, there have been recurring monsters appearing in the series. Just seeing these familiar faces reminds you that you're part of a great series. Everything from bats, wolves, and cats to dragons, doors, and cacti have been an enemy in Final Fantasy. This page features the most unique, imaginative, and legendary creatures of Squaresoft's mind. Each entry includes all known palette swaps of that character with English and Japanese translations. (NOTE: spelling differences, such as Sahagin (NA) and Sahuagin (JP) were not noted, just different names).

This page also includes the ultimate bosses of the Final Fantasy games. Legendary villains like Sephiroth and Kefka (and not so legendary like Necron) are listed here, as well as optional bosses, like Ultima Weapon.

Bosses And Optional Bosses

In almost every game, there is at least one enemy, optionally fought (not randomly encountered), as strong as the final boss, if not stronger. This adds to the replay value of the game and a challenge to the player. FF10 actually has a whole arena where optional bosses can be fought.

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Final Fantasy 1

Chaos - Final Boss
This yellow-skinned demon is the final boss of FF1, formed when Garland merges with the power of the Four Fiends. He is the only boss monster not to merit his own music (but he did have a nifty disintegration sequence - well, nifty for NES). NOTE: Chaos is also the final limit break for Vincent (FF7).
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FF1 NES in-game FF1 PSX in-game

War Mech - Randomly Encountered
AKA Death Machine (JP). This giant robot guards the bridge to Tiamat's lair. The chance of encountering it is only 5%, but if met, its repeated nuclear attacks will bring the heroes to its mercy.
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FF1 NES in-game FF1 PSX in-game

Omega - Optional (Dawn of Souls)
See Omega.

Chronodia - Optional (PSP)
A bizzare amalgam of enemies from the game surrounding an orb of light, Chronodia is the last boss at the end of the Labyrinth of Time. Its strength is determined by the number of Blue Seals the player has collected, being stronger the greater this number is, resulting in a total of eight variations of the boss (which come from of the permutations of Red and Blue Seals).
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Final Fantasy 2

Emperor Palamecia - Final Boss
This guy just keeps coming back for more, even after he dies! Still, a bit more wimpy than most final bosses. See also FF2 Characters.
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Light Emperor - Final Boss (Dawn of Souls)
The true form of Emperor Palamecia. Her soul is good, but lives in Hell.
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Final Fantasy 3

Cloud of Darkness - Final Boss
Fairly unimaginative final boss; basically evil in a bag. It has only a single attack, which it uses over and over.
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FF3 overworld FF3 in-game
Final Fantasy 4

Zeromus - Final Boss
The physical representation of Zemus' rage and hatred looks pretty nasty even when it doesn't do much, but when you reveal its final form, it looks like a cross between a Metroid and an Alien. It uses several freaky spells, including Black Hole.
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FF4 first form in-game FF4 second form in-game

Zeromus EG - Optional (GBA)
The final boss in the optional Lunar Ruins, Zeromus EG is named so for the use of his "easy game" version sprite. Using similiar attacks and patterns as his standard version, EG is also appreciably tougher.
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Zeromus EG

Brachioraidos - Optional (GBA)
A dragon found only in the Lunar Ruins, Brachioraidos is one of the toughest enemies in the game and is found at a random location on the 50th floor.
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Final Fantasy 5

Neo Exdeath - Final Boss
Exdeath the "tree" uses a very unsettling "Void" attack which just makes one character disappear! After he is defeated he transforms into a multi-headed, crazy boss, possibly the hardest final boss in the entire series. It uses a variety of status problems, physical attacks, magic attacks, defensive spells, and the almighty Almagest spell. Winner of the Most Psychedelic Background award. See also FF5 Characters.
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FF5 tree in-game FF5 Neo X-Death in-game

Shinryu - Optional
In FF5, the ultimate dragon hides in a normal treasure box, but if the unwary traveler opens it, WHOA! It uses powerful water attacks and absorbs basically anything but physical damage. If you manage to defeat it, you'll get a "Dragon's Crest", which is as useless as the Proof of Omega. Still, can't beat that feeling of accomplishment, eh? In the GBA version, an even stronger Shinryu, Neo Shinryu, can be found in the Sealed Temple, arguably the hardest fight in the whole game! In FF10, Shinryu returns in the Monster Arena, and becomes available after capturing a set of aquatic monsters. He is battled underwater.
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FF5 in-game FF10 in-game

Omega - Optional
See Omega.

Final Fantasy 6

Kefka - Final Boss
One of the coolest final battles in the series while still clinging to some inkling of sanity. The four statues that compose the battle contain Lucifer/fallen angel references throughout; each statue has two to four individual targets with their own strengths and weaknesses. Kefka himself has grown angel wings and an ultra-cool music theme. His "Fallen One" spell reduces all HP to 1! See also FF6 Characters.
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FF6 Tower of Kefka and final form in-game

Ultima Weapon - Optional

Final Fantasy 7

Sephiroth - Final Boss
Sephiroth is one of the most loved(!) bosses in Final Fantasy, with one of the most famous FF songs - "One-Winged Angel". Despite all that, though, he's also one of the easiest final battles in the series. His first form - Bizarro Sephiroth - is a two-headed, multi-limbed pupaic monstrosity (indeed, bizarre). Your party must split into two or three groups to defeat him, with each group only having access to a selected group of targets. His next form, Safer Sephiroth (probably mistranslated from Seraph Sephiroth), grows one single wing out his back. His signature attack, "Super Nova", lasts about a minute, and destroys the whole solar system to try to knock you out. (!?!?). The final battle is for cinematic purposes only - a one-on-one with Cloud. See also FF7 Characters.
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FF7 Bizzaro Sephiroth in-game FF7 Bizzaro Sephiroth in-game FF7 Bizzaro Sephiroth in-game FF7 Bizzaro Sephiroth in-game FF7 Safer Sephiroth in-game

Ultima Weapon - Optional

Emerald Weapon - Optional
This boss was only fightable in FF7 (NA) and the Japanese FF7 International. It lives underwater after Disc 1, just waiting for a fight. It has four eyes on his shoulders, each of which do some nasty damage. Its most devastating attack can instantly kill the entire party at once! Using Knights of the Round and Mimic materia can eventually kill it, after which a man in Kalm will give you a full set of Master Materia! (See also Ultima Weapon and Ruby Weapon.
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FF7 in-game

Ruby Weapon - Optional
Like Emerald Weapon, this special boss was only in FF7 (NA) and the Japanese re-release, FF7 International. It lives under the Corel Desert (once it appears), with only a tiny red arm sticking out, waiting for a curious player to come investigate. It has the ability to eliminate two players from battle, leaving only one, and it cannot be defeated unless its two claws are buried in the sand. If you defeat it, a man in Kalm Town will give you a free Gold Chocobo!
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FF7 in-game Ruby concept art
Final Fantasy 8

Griever - Final Boss
Ultimecia summons this GF as part of the final battle. Squall has a ring and a necklace featuring Griever, and Ultimecia calls it the "ultimate GF".
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FF8 in-game

Ultimecia - Final Boss
Ultimecia is the main antagonist of FF8 (see FF8 Characters) who only appears and speaks at the end. Although she doesn't have much personality, she packs a lot of punch. Any GF's in the process of being summoned can be wiped out, so that strategy won't work here. She can also remove any one spell (no matter the quantity) at once, even if it is junctioned. After her first form is defeated, she then summons the ultimate GF - Griever. After that is defeated, she then junctions herself to Griever, making a strange merged beast. Her final form is a giant robot sorceress, who has the capability to cast two strong spells - "Hell's Judgement", which will bring the entire party's HP down to one, and "Apocalypse", an ultima-like attack (which can actually be drawn and used by the party).
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FF8 cutscene FF8 First Form in-game FF8 junctioned unto Griever in-game FF8 final form in-game

Ultima Weapon - Optional

Omega Weapon - Optional
See Omega.

Final Fantasy 9

Necron - Final Boss
The final boss of FF9 is more symbolic than relevant to the storyline (See FF9 Characters. Its signature attack Grand Cross (used also by FF5's final boss) causes many status ailments and lots of damage. Once you figure out how to defeat it, the fight's over pretty quickly.
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FF9 in-game

Ozma - Optional
A very bizarre optional boss, whose battle takes place at the Chocobo Air Garden. Ozma is by far the hardest boss of FF9 (far eclipsing Necron). It resembles nothing more than a colorful sphere. It gets to move about three times a round, and consistently cures itself or casts powerful magic (including ones that cause big status problems or kill instantly). What's worse, unless you pursue yet another side quest, you can't use physical attacks against it! When you win you get a useless Strategy Guide and a very useful Pumice and Dark Matter.
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FF9 in-game

Hades - Optional
In FF9, Hades appears as an optional boss with many status attacks and the Doomsday spell. If defeated, he allows you to access to his synthesis shop, and gives Dagger the Ark summon. For information about Hades as a summon, see Hades.
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FF5 GBA in-game (monster) FF9 in-game (final boss) FF9 in-game (final boss)
Final Fantasy 10

Jecht (Braska's Final Aeon) - Final Boss
As per the nature of the spiral of Sin, the party is forced to take down Braska's Final Aeon - Jecht. This guy is so huge you can't even see his bottom. You fight him in a dream-like Zanarkand on a platform. He attacks with a wide sword and two curative pagodas. Like all Aeons, this one has a very nasty Overdrive that hits more often than usual. He can take out many characters in one hit, or use a petrify/physcial attack combo that will eliminate that entire position from the battle (meaning you'll only have two spots to rotate someone in!). Aeons are effective, but he can wipe them out on his next turn. The Magus Sisters can take him down quickly.
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FF10 in-game

Yu Yevon - Final Boss
Seeing the final boss of FF10 is most definitely a "WTF" moment. This fight is more for cinematic purposes than a challenge, since your characters have auto-life cast on them. Yu Yevon is just a floating, black, blobby squid who first possesses your Aeons and forces you to destroy them. After that, he attacks with spells like Gravija, Ultima, and Osmose. He can heal himself each turn for 9,999 HP, and if that wasn't enough, the Yu Pagodas assist with curing as well. (See FF10 Characters and FF10 Story for more information)
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FF10 in-game

Ultima Weapon - Optional

Omega Weapon - Optional
See Omega.

Nemesis - Optional
Also known as "Omega Gold". This optional boss is created at the monster arena, after you've captured ten of every single monster in Spira and beaten every other monster in the Monster Arena. He resembles a palette swap of Ultima Weapon. I personally haven't encountered it yet, but they say he's one mother of a fight!
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Penance - Optional
This boss is only seen in FF10 International. Lacking that version, I don't know much else about it, but it's apparently even harder than the Dark Aeons.
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FF10 in-game FF10 in-game

Shinryu - Optional
See Shinryu.

Final Fantasy X-2

Vegnagun - Final Boss
Vegnagun is the ultimate weapon, with the capability to destroy Sin, and incapability to distinguish friend and foe. It appears to be controlled by some sort of organ. Yuna, Rikku, and Paine work their way up from the tail to the legs, arms, torso, and finally the head, before confronting the weapon's controller.
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Shuyin - Final Boss
Shuyin is the final fight of the FFX-2's storyline. See FFX-2 Characters for more information about his significance. All his attacks are the same as the overdrives of his counterpart, but he goes down quickly.
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FFX-2 art FFX-2 Lenne & Shuyin art

Ultima Weapon - Optional

Omega Weapon - Optional
See Omega.

Trema - Optional
This old guy is at the very bottom of the Via Infinito. After defeating Paragon, an Omega Weapon-type creature, you are thrust directly into battle with him. He's amazingly fast and strong (both physically and mentally) for a geezer. Winning nets you the Iron Duke accessory, which makes every other battle, even in New Game+, pathetically easy.
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Major Numerus - Optional (International)
A large hydra fought in the coliseum.
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Final Fantasy 11

Shadow Lord - Final Boss
The final boss of the main game of Final Fantasy 11 and the Lord of the Beastmen. He began the crystal war by gathering most of the beastmen races and attacking the three nations. Though he was defeated by Zeid, the Shadow Lord was defeated, although Volker took the credit. Later when he was resurrected, he was revealed to be Raogrimm, a lost Galkan who gave his soul for vengeance of his love. He starts in his physical form, which is vulnerable to magic. After his defeat there, he switches to Dynamis Lord, his magical form, which is vulnerable to physical attacks. He has many powerful attacks, such as permanent Chainspell, Invincible, Blood Weapon, and the ability to clone himself for a few seconds.
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FF11 in-game

Promathia - Final Boss
The final boss of the FF11 "Chains of Promathia" expansion pack. He is the twilight god, on par with Altana. He created the ark angels and the beastmen. He cursed people of Vana'diel for attempting to open the gates of paradise. This curse is the emptiness threatening to consume the land. To complete his purpose, he must be resurrected and killed so that every citizen will return to him when he dies.
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FF11 in-game

Eald'Narche - Final Boss
The final boss of the FF11 "Rise of the Zilart" expansion pack. Despite appearances, he is the older of the two Zilart princes. Experiments involving the mother crystal turned him into the form he is today. When Raogrimm reactivated the crystals, the two of them awoke, and they began their plans to open the gates of paradise. He is the real mastermind behind the crystal war, manipulating the Shadow Lord to bring about his wishes. He has four exoplates that protect him and must be destroyed before you can start attacking the big cheese. He mercilessly casts ancient magic like flood, flare, quake, tornado, etc.
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FF11 in-game

Absolute Virtue - Optional
Absolute Virtue is a Notorius Monster in Final Fantasy XI,and is the hardest enemy in the game. In fact, he is so hard that people accused Square-Enix of making him invincible as a joke to waste the time of players. The accusation became so strong and so frequent that Square-Enix had to release a video with hints on how to defeat Absolute Virtue, but he still remains a difficult adversary to say the very least.
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Absolute Virtue FF11
Final Fantasy 12

The Undying - Final Boss
The final version of Vayne fused with Venat is remarkably similar to Bahamut (in fact, the two take pieces of the warship Bahamut to create this final form). It uses Megaflare, Gigaflare, and Teraflare (its eyes light up red during the second and blue during the third, mirroring the colors of Neo Bahamut and Bahamut ZERO in FF7). (We still need a better image of this.)
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Yiazmat - Optional
AKA Yazmat (JP). This wyrm is the final mark, and is only available to fight (in the Ridorana Cataract) after beating its little brother, Hell Wyrm, in the Sochen Cave Palace. Both fights have multiple health bars; Yiazmat has over 50 million HP! Both fights also allow you to leave in the middle and heal up; the HP of the boss will remain depleted. Yiazmat can take several hours to beat, after which you gain the last ingredient for the Wyrmhero Blade. CP: One Deity among Dragons, One great Wyrm to rule all Wyrms of the World, by the Creator Himself created. Legend says it's an Anima, Guardian to a sacred Blade. Though most sacred amongst its Kind, its great Power drove it to Madness, and in the End, it became a threat to it's own Creator. His Master was killed by Yiazmat, robbing Montblanc of all Joy in Life,and he would have Revenge. In Revenant Wings, Yiazmat is holed up in the tenth and last floor of the Midlight Deep, and beating him will power up Vaan's Anastasia sword.
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FF12 Clan Primer
Final Fantasy 12: Revenant Wings

Feolthanos Exultant - Final Boss
The Last Auralith, Feolthanos consists of three parts (Medi, Dex, and Sinis), being the head, right hand, and left hand, respectively. Each has one massive attack, but worse are the Wing Wraiths he constantly summons. When you finally manage to get his HP down, he'll summon Bahamut to give you grief.
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Zodiac (aka Zodiark) - Optional
In FF12, Zodiark, the Keeper of Precepts, is the dark Esper, representing Ophiuchus. (Note: Ophiuchus is not a constellation of the Zodiac; however, it is the only constellation the sun passes through every year that is not one of the Zodiac twelve). Zodiark is one of the toughest monsters to beat in either FF12 or FF12RW, the latter of which has him sitting pretty on the Well of Whispered Oaths. For information on Zodiac the summon in FF12 and FF12RW, see Zodiac.
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FF12 art

Yiazmat - Optional
See Yiazmat.

Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest

Dark King - Final Boss
The first real final boss who comes in several forms. He's a greenish man wearing a royal robe, but once you whittle him down he breaks out the firepower - first growing six arms, each carrying a weapon of destruction, and then turning into a giant spider. The super-secret trick? He's undead. Cure spells do tons of damage.
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Mystic Quest overworld Mystic Quest first form in-game Mystic Quest second form in-game Mystic Quest final form in-game
Final Fantasy Tactics

Elidibus - Optional
He lives in the tenth basement of the Deep Dungeon. He has his own Zodiac Stone and Lucavi alterego, and he employs Apandas as bodyguards. He uses several weird attacks, like Poison Frog, Midgar Zolom (mistranslated as Midgarswarm) and the ultimate summon spell, Zodiac. The hard part in beating him comes into play if you want your summoners to learn Zodiac; you have to make them survive the spell once. If you don't care, he's not that tough at all. When you beat him, you'll get the Serpentarius Zodiac Stone.
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Tactics in-game Tactics in-game

Ultima - Final Boss
Due to the nature of Tactics' battle system (five against one? come on!), this battle is practically a joke. He starts off tough with a bunch of Ultima Demons, but then turns into a winged giant (a la Sephiroth) with super spells like All-Ultima, which really don't pose much of a problem at all. He blows up the airship he's standing on when you're finished with him.
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Tactics face Tactics in-game Tactics face Tactics in-game
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Li Grim - Final Boss
The personification of all the dreams and the dreamers. Kind of a downer to beat her, actually. She can change laws at whim, and deal pretty big damage to multiple units. Other than that, she isn't much of a challenge.
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Final Fantasy Tactics A2

Omega Weapon - Optional
See Omega.

Neukhia - Final Boss
Neukhia is... a big demony thing. There's no backstory or explanation about what it is or why you're fighting it, except that it comes out of the void opened by Illua's grimoire.
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The X-Men #133 (Marvel Comics May 1980) CGC GRADE: 7.5 VERY FINE- 24-1710 picture

The X-Men #133 (Marvel Comics May 1980) CGC GRADE: 7.5 VERY FINE- 24-1710


Hellfire Gala Unknown Comics Variants 12 Pack Comics Bundle 2022 X-Men  picture

Hellfire Gala Unknown Comics Variants 12 Pack Comics Bundle 2022 X-Men


Supernatural Thrillers #13 CGC 9.6 1975 4480357007 picture

Supernatural Thrillers #13 CGC 9.6 1975 4480357007


Hellfire: Plague of Dragons ~ Tom Wood & Robert Weinberg ~ Incredible Artwork picture

Hellfire: Plague of Dragons ~ Tom Wood & Robert Weinberg ~ Incredible Artwork





Cable: The Hellfire Hunt by James Robinson;  Joe Casey picture

Cable: The Hellfire Hunt by James Robinson; Joe Casey


X-Men Hellfire Gala #1 Artgerm Variant Marvel 2022 VF/NM Comics picture

X-Men Hellfire Gala #1 Artgerm Variant Marvel 2022 VF/NM Comics


The X-Men #129 (Marvel Comics January 1980) CGC GRADE: 7.0 FINE/VERY FINE 241709 picture

The X-Men #129 (Marvel Comics January 1980) CGC GRADE: 7.0 FINE/VERY FINE 241709





Final Fantasy, all games and animation bearing the Final Fantasy name, and all characters in said games or animation are copyright their respective creators, including but not limited to Squaresoft, Square Enix, Square EA, Tokyo TV, and ADV Films.