Magic Knight
Appearances: FF5, FF9, FFX-2, FF12RW, FFTA
Aliases: Sorcerer, Mystic Knight, Warrior, Gladiator, Warmage
Magic Knights combine great strength with the ability to assign elemental affinities to their weapon (such as Fire, Water, Holy, etc.) In effect, it allows you to make a physical attack and a magic attack at the same time. However, enemies that are invulnerable to elemental affinities, or certain types of attacks will receive the same damage as if the attack were one or the other (e.g., if a snake absorbs ice damage, it will absorb the damage from an Ice Sword Magic spell). They're a little weaker than knights, but make up for it with their stronger attributes in magic power and magic defense.
Similar Job Classes: Knight, Black Mage, Dark Knight, Paladin
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FF5 |
NAME: Magic Knight/Mystic Knight/Sorcerer |
OVERVIEW: Activating a Sword Magic spell imbues the Sword with that element for until the battle ends, the character is KO'd, or another spell is cast. |
WEAPONS: Knives, Swords |
Shell - Cast Shell on self when near death
Spellblade - Cast magic spell on sword, imbueing it with that attribute
Spellblade: Fire, Ice, Bolt, Mute, Poison, Sleep, Fire2, Ice2, Bolt2, Drain, Break, Bio, Fire3, Ice3, Bolt3, Holy, Flare, Asper
ATTRIBUTES: High strength, high speed, high HP |
FF9 |
NAME: Adelbert Steiner |
OVERVIEW: Steiner can only use Magic Sword when Vivi is in the party, and drains Steiner's MP rather than Vivi's. Steiner's physical attack power is tripled when in Trance. |
WEAPONS: Swords |
Magic Sword - When Vivi is in the party, Steiner can perform a combination physical attack/magic attack
Sword Art:
Darkside - Sacrifice HP to make a strong attack on enemy
Armor Break - Reduce target's defense
Magic Break - Reduce target's magic power
Minus Strike - Inflicts damage equal to HP lost
Mental Break - Reduce target's magic defense
Power Break - Reduce target's attack power
Charge! - Allies in critical status attack simultaneously
Iai Strike - Cause instant death to target. High chance of failure.
Thunder Slash - Lightning attack equal to 19% of current HP
Stock Break - Damage all enemies 50% stronger than normal attack
Climhazzard - Non-elemental magic damage twice as strong as normal attack
Shock - Massive physical damage three times as strong as normal attack |
SUPPORT ABILITIES (character specific): |
ATTRIBUTES: High strength, low magic power |
FFX-2 |
NAME: Warrior |
OVERVIEW: This is Paine's default job. Warrior was originally called Fighter in JP. This class is basically a combination of Knight and Magic Knight. |
WEAPONS: Sword |
Sentinel - Decrease physical damage for one turn
Assault - Cast Berserk, Haste, Shell, and Protect on party
Flametongue - Inflict fire-elemental damage
Ice Brand - Inflict ice-elemental damage
Thunder Blade - Inflict lightning-elemental damage
Liquid Steel - Inflict water-elemental damage
Demi Sword - Inflict gravity-elemental damage
Excalibur - Inflict holy-elemental damage
Power Break - Inflict damage and reduce enemy's attack power
Magic Break - Inflict damage and reduce enemy's magic power
Armor Break - Inflict damage and reduce enemy's physical defense
Mental Break - Inflict damage and reduce enemy's magic defense
Delay Attack - Attack and delay enemy's next turn
Delay Buster - Attack and greatly delay enemy's next turn
ATTRIBUTES: High HP, high strength, high physical defense, low magic defense |
FF12RW |
NAME: Warmage |
OVERVIEW: Only enemy vieras can be warmages. |
Fire Sword, Blizzard Sword, Thunder Sword, Stone Sword, Mighty Guard, Piercing Blow
FF: Tactics Advance |
NAME: Gladiator |
OVERVIEW: Gladiator includes some abilities from the Fighter class in addition to three elemental sword abilities. |
WEAPONS: Blade |
Rush - Damage and knock back target
Wild Swing - Damage on all sides
Beatdown - Attack with high damage, low accuracy
Blitz - Attack with low damage, high accuracy
Fire Sword - Large fire melee damage
Bolt Sword - Large lightning melee damage
Ice Sword - Large ice melee damage
Ultima Sword - Triple damage attack
Reaction Abilities: Strikeback - Block and counter physical attack
Support Abilities: Doublehand - Hold one-handed sword in two hands to increase damage
Combo: Sword Combo |
ATTRIBUTES: High attack power, low magic power |
Traits of Magic Knight in Other Games
FF2: Minh resembles a Sorceror, but uses White Magic, and not in conjunction with a physical attack. |
FF3: The Hunter can equip arrows with elemental attributes. |
FF6: Celes can absorb the MP of magic spells through her "Runic" ability, but can not redirect nor use the spell for offensive purposes. |

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Final Fantasy, all games and animation bearing the Final Fantasy name, and all characters in said games or animation are copyright their respective creators, including but not limited to Squaresoft, Square Enix, Square EA, Tokyo TV, and ADV Films.