Final Fantasy Compendium

QuinctiaEvolution of Innocence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7FF7(Mazrim) An ongoing, incomplete, extremely captivating piece of Final Fantasy VII fanfiction, this is, in the words of the author, an ARF (Aeris Resurrection Fetish). But, it assumes that she never REALLY died in the first place (Lifestream bit), and that she doesn't REALLY come back to life (in a manner of speaking). It's cool, and weird, and has a style of dialogue and thought that strikes me as extremely realistic, and awesome. Definitely one of the best fanfics in the archive, in my humble opinion. :P (6/9 COMPLETE!)
QuinctiaFinal Fantasy 7 - Resurrection 1 2 3 4 5 FF7(Weiila) Another FF7 fic from Quintcia, this one the first in a trilogy.
Only a couple of days after Sephiroth's death new problems begin to arise. A girl named Raieyana approaches the victorious heroes, and it's not just a coincidence that she looks almost exactly like Aeris. Guess what, Hojo has been fooling around with cells again. But that isn't the problem...
QuinctiaFinal Fantasy 7 - Reunion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 FF7(Weiila)The second part of the trilogy is set seven years after the events in Resurrection. It's been fairly calm, but there wouldn't be a story if things just were peaceful, now would it? :)
Everybody who believes Hojo lied about someone's heritage raise a hand and win a prize!
Final Fantasy 7 - Redemption 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8FF7(Weiila)The final part of the trilogy, if not yet complete.
Fourteen years since "Reunion", strange things begin to happen and the heroes find themselves in a situation when they have to save the world, AGAIN! And deal with quite difficult personal problems along the way as well.
RefugeeA Knight of Spira
2 3 4
FF7/FF8/10(Weiila)The beginning of an epic and interesting story, a crossover between Final Fantasy VIII and X, with a bit of VII in the mix.
Through accident a chunk of sorceress' power is sent through time and splits in two, each part going into a person who isn't ready for the responsibility: one man who'll use the gift for his own selfish plot, the other a young, blond woman of the Al Bhed, one who became a celebrity after having been the guardian of the High Summoner Yuna.
With the knowledge of sorceresses and their powers lost in the stream of time, Bahamut must intervene and do the only sensible coming to mind:
Bringing the most powerful Knight of all to Spira in order to help the new sorceress.
Rhi-anDefying Fate
FF8(Weiila)A post-game fanfic about Final Fantasy 8, digging deeply into each character's thoughts as a group of scientists leave Esthar on a quest of their own: to stop the Sorceress before she stirs any trouble, and they'll stop at nothing to put their valiant plan into action. But as their first attempt to get their hands on Rinoa fails, they turn to her weakest point. Her Knight.
Rinoa HeartillyUnintentional
2 3
FF10(Weiila)A romantic and faintly humorous at the same time as very tragic story about Lesca, the first daughter of High Summoner Braska and Yuna's older sister.
It starts on a fated day, just before Braska makes up his mind to defeat Sin. The young half-Al Bhed stands by the temple of Yevon in her own thoughts when she meets a just as young warrior monk, who is contemplating whether to accept his arranged marriage to a Maester's daughter.
(If you didn't catch that clue, his name starts with A ;))
Not yet finished. Children should not read this, because Seymour is a damn creep!
RobertDogwoodFortune's Hostage
2 3
FF8(Weiila)This story is only three chapters long, but it's packed with a great plot with conspiracy and betrayal.
As forty people, including a small boy, are taken hostage by a guerilla group in Trabia, Squall, Irvine and Zell are sent to clear things out. However, the head of the Galbadian force stationed in the region seems less than willing to cooperate despite the fact that all the hostages are from Galbadia. And Cid seems to have some personal issues with the case, but he's not willing to share the information.
Younger readers should stay off this one due to a rather gory scene in chapter three.
RothalionZanarkand RainFF8(Weiila)Interesting and gripping about Auron remembering his life while watching the rain outside the house boat he happen to be in. Very emotional at parts, and extremely powerful as the painful memories of Braska's death are set free to roam poor Auron's brain. Solace might be found close by, though.
At one point some might find the way of expressing loss a little controversial, but I personally think that considering the situation it does in no way harm the story but rather emphazise the agony that it's describing.
Scarfdalek Fallen Angel FF9(Weiila)The first Angel of Death gets to tell some of his story here, about how he was born and trained by Garland in preparation of his quest. Something along the way really went wrong, which was understandable. Here we get a chance to look closer upon it.
Scott BraidHistory of the Lefain/
The story of Berrendar
FF1(Weiila)A prequel to Into the Heart of the story, following the Lefainish man Berrendar from his narrow escape from the battle between Tiamat and warmech, until him taking up the duty as tutor of four orphans that will one day save the world.
Scott BraidInto the Heart of the Story 2 3 4a 4bFF1(Weiila)A yet unfinished novelization of FF1, fleshing out the characters and events taking place during the game.
Being a Light Warrior isn't easy, especially when people see you as nothing but a prophecy. Arguments among the troop itself might not be a good sign either...
Scott BraidTies of Blood
FFT(Weiila)Set in Final Fantasy Tactics, but not about the usual crew.
The tale of Candon Oaks, a Holy Knight of the Ajora church, who sets off on a quest to find his sister and bring her back to the light. He also feeds strong hopes of being the one to kill Ramza Beuvolve, the treacherous heathen who brought the lady astray...
An innovative take on FFT with very strong characters and good plot.
Selenium WingzThis is my StoryFF10(Weiila)The gang of Guardians and their Summoner camp before they start the last part of their journey to Zanarkand, sitting in silence by the campfire. Tidus starts telling them of his memories of the path he traveled to get to this particular moment with the six of them.
Serenity StarA Thousand WordsFFX-2(Weiila)Pre-FFX-2. Wouldn't that be FFX...? Nope.
Lenne tells her story about what happened to her before she was killed, her career, father and how she met Shuin - onwards to the war and her enlisting as a summoner and finally how Shuin made the desperate attempt to save her from the enemy.
Sephiroth_EternalCrossroads of DestinyFF7/8(Weiila)A second generation FF7/8 crossover with good characterizations of the oldies and interesting new peeps.
Sifan Leonhart is despite "wild" protests from himself a lot like his father, irritated by the way people seem to want him to live a life similar to his father's; in detail. But others than him have different plans. After an accident he, his friend Avatar and Relafen Almasy are thrown into another world, where the orphanage Phillona Strife and her friends are fighting against the new Shin-Ra.
About the twisted will of fate, insane scientists' legacy and irritating voices in your head. Beware!
SilverStormParanoiaFF8(Weiila)A creepy horror fic about a SeeD quickly loosing grip of reality, wrapping himself up in complete lunacy born from a mysterious voice in his head. Paranoia crawls into the man's mind and after finding his hands bloodied once, the madness only keeps growing, hungering for the deaths of his friends.
Sir JechtMeeting the GodFF7(Weiila)Cloud is haunted by a strange dream about himself and Sephiroth, just after Aeris' death. It's a personal prelude for him to the battle he and Tifa will fight later against his own madness. A short fic, which can be a nice change from all the epics in the archives.
SkyKnightThe Sorceress war Part 1
Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
FF8(Weiila)A prelude to FF8, taking place during the war between Galbadia and Esthar. But the leading characters aren't the ones you might expect...
It's a dirty, ugly war and SkyNight does a great job not romanticizing the battle. The heroes aren't fearless warmachines but humans with their own feelings and fears.
On sidenote there's a small detail I find neat; just becasue the heroes of the game can't acquire a certain summon doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. :)
SkyKnightThe Sorceress war Part 2: Black September
Chapter 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
FF8(Weiila)The sequel to the Sorceress War 1, a much darker tale due to the events which much unfold in order to make the facts in the game work out.
Raine's life is just settling with her newborn son and Ellone back safe, though Laguna is still abroad. Then, Esthar attacks again, and the leader is an all too familiar figure who's out for revenge...
SkyKnightThe Sorceress War, VignetteFF8(Weiila)The Sorceress War saga is sadly on indefinite hold, it appears. But to make up for it, SkyKnight wrote this vignette that is written as the end of the whole series - set several years after the events in Final Fantasy VIII. Hyne is dead, his schemes crushed by one of Squall and Rinoa's daughters. But this of course doesn't mean that all trouble will end, the danger might now come from within the heroes' families.
SlyTseng's Prophecy
1 2 3 4
FF7(Mazrim) A fanfic about Tseng, taking place during the timespan of the game, but with some different things happening - very original story, it brings up the question, "Why didn't Cloud just use the Restore materia on Aeris?"
SSJ CronoBaron's HeirFF4(Weiila)This is a cute lil' story about Final Fantasy IV. Cecil and more accurately his children get their hands full of kidnappers, but princess Cecilia won't stand for it! Oh no, not this lil' wildcat, as the dwarven Thieves' Guild and a demon lord named something like Ill Truck Gore (as Edge's son says true to his genes) soon will find out.
Quirky and fairy talesque, a nice read.
ssj_trunksGrieverFF8(Weiila)A prelude to Final Fantasy VIII, mainly concerning Squall's training with his gunblade. Every day life at Balamb Garden, spiced with a bit of action and characters meeting each other pro-game. Interesting read.
StarstormEnter a WarmageFF4(Mazrim) Quite the lengthy fanfic, yet gripping through most of the storyline, "Enter a Warmage" takes place in a slightly modernized world of Final Fantasy IV (as in modern fashions and medical equipment, etc., but with the same characters and general setting as FFIV), centering around "Robert," an author-created character. This story has action, suspense, humor and serious ideas, which combined with an interesting (if verbose) writing style makes this a story you'll spend an hour reading and love every minute of it.
Steven MayoChuck, You're AnimatedFF10(Weiila) Quite the strange fic, set in Zanarkand and based mainly on dialogue between a couple of boys. It'll probably keep you feeling like one big questionmark until the end, where the feeling should turn into an "Ooooh, so THAT'S what they meant...". A different addition to the archives.
Steven Mayo Fat Lip FF8(Weiila)Some grudges go way, way back, and even if mystical creatures residing in your brain might remove the memories of past anger and pain, the emotions are still there. A tale about a day in the orphanage with the future heroes of FFVIII, and how the events taking place there causes the children to clash as teenagers.
Steven Mayo Kingdom of ChildrenFF7 (Weiila)This dark story takes place during the time when Cloud was a human vegetable sitting in a wheelchair in Mideel, trapped inside his own past and twisted memories. But he's not the only one in the area being tortured by the spooks of his own mind. Hojo might be the nuttiest guy outside of the crater, but his charisma has touched other scientists. Or maybe it's more like a contagious disease...
Steven Mayo Lux Aeterna Part 1
Lux Aeterna Part 2
Lux Aeterna Part 3
FF1(Weiila)Wow. That's all anybody can say about this. Steven has turned the first twenty minutes of gameplay of Final Fantasy 1 into a massive epic with darkness, action and humor. The characters are fleshed out to real humans, and the story is written in a masterful way of storytelling. Warmly recommended!
Swift KidFirst Person ViewsFF8(Weiila)The opening scene of Final Fantasy 8 seen through Squall's eyes; his battle with Seifer in the first FMV. Very intense, as that scene requires that.
As I understand, this might be the first in a series of scenes in first person view by Swift Kid.
Teh ExileThe Quest To Rescue Nobou Uematsu 2Misc(Weiila)Teh is at it again, stumbling through a set of game worlds bending with the reality that reaches for it... or is that the other way around? Prince Cid of Figaro and friends are flung into a quest to save Square from being swallowed up by an evil force... maybe. Nobou Uematsu might be the key to the twisted lock... but he seems to have gone missing! Ahh!
Valkyrie EskerThe Forgotten Warrior, 2FF6Hey, whatever happened to that other Doma guy who survived when Kefka poisoned the river? Considering the fact that he didn't seem to be around in the World of Ruin, maybe he left on his own quest, found a group of daring warriors and went on his own journey...
Aww come on, what are the odds for that?
In a fanfic? BIG!
A great story with action, humor and that special glistening in the eye... or at least a glistening somewhere among all the letters.
WeiilaGogo's SecretFF6(Mazrim) A short fanfic by Weiila, taking place moments after the end of FF6. It is about who Gogo really is, though many people who like to read "secrets" sections of certain shrines may already know the climactic plot point. That's ok, it's still quite a fun read, with realistic characters (and I do like believable characters, as you may or may not have known)
WeiilaMoment With CelesFF6(Mazrim) A very innovative fanfic, about Locke's relationship to Celes, from both points of view. Instead of being all in one chunk of action, this story takes place in short segments; the important parts of their relationship throughout the game. Starting with the tunnels beneath South Figaro, it goes through the story of the game, following Celes and Locke through such important events as the Opera House scene, the Solitairy Island, and, of course, the beloved Phoenix Cave/Rachel scene, showing the thoughts, feelings, and words of the characters. The first in a series of three stories including Gogo's Secret II.
WeiilaGogo's Secret IIFF6(Mazrim) NOT the sequel to Weiila's original short fanfic "Gogo's Secret," this FFVI fanfic has a completely different take on who Gogo is. While many have said he/she was Daryl, this takes a completely different approach. I don't want to give away the Secret, but on the whole I will just say that this story is very innovative, interesting, and on the whole cool.
WeiilaWorshippers of Insanity 1 2 FF6(Mazrim) A very interesting, if controversial (in light of recent events) story set in FFVI, about the return of the Cult of Kefka (the people chanting outside the Mage Tower in the game) and how they make life difficult for the heroes. Weiila wanted me to say that she wrote this a month before the WTC attacks, and that she does not want anybody to be offended by any similarities between the Cult of Kefka and modern-day terrorists. However, I would never cease to put up writing that might perhaps be controversial, as long as it is well-written, and...well, tactful at least around the controversial thing. As long as it doesn't cause us to get sued... :P The third in a series of three stories, including Moment with Celes and Gogo's Secret II.
Weiila Hanging AroundMisc.(Mazrim) A long, quite humorous fanfic from Weiila. Her slightly insane style of humor is seen again here, this time in full force, starring characters from FFIV, V, VI, Chrono Trigger, Lufia, Breath of Fire, Secret of Mana, Terranigma, Earthbound, A Link to the Past, Megaman, TMNT, and for a brief span of time (heh heh...), Power Rangers. Any crossover with this many characters is almost ensured to be a bit confusing, but Weiila has masterfully turned that confusion into a hilarious story about the RPG characters...well...hanging around! Read to find out more!
WeiilaMonsters of the Deepest Depths of Horror 1 2 3Misc.(Mazrim) A return to humor for Weiila, and proof that she hasn't lost her touch after her last three (I think...) more serious fanfics. It is the sequel to "Hanging Around" (also in this archive) and has most of the same characters. It shows in its own special way that characters of "good" games must stick together, be they villain or hero, against the ultimate villain that is...*gasp!* I won't say it, but if you have very juvenile tendencies regarding your choices of anime, AND you can't take a joke, might I suggest you not read this fanfic. :)
WeiilaKain 1 2 3 4FF4(Mazrim) Another great fanfic by Weiila, a novelization of Final Fantasy IV, from the point of view of Kain. It convincingly shows the feelings of Kain, and makes the reader feel for him even as he does horrible things under the mental control of Golbez. The most convincing rendition of Kain in any fanfic I've read yet. This story contains romance, action, monologues, drama, and pretty much anything a well-balanced story should have. A must read! (I know I saw that a lot, but it's late, I'm tired, give me a break...)
WeiilaRydia and Edge
1 2 3 4
FF4(Mazrim) Weiila's first try at the romance genre, and a very successful one. It is centered, as is evident by the title, around Rydia and Edge from Final Fantasy IV, and how they eventually grow to fall in love with each other. The only Rydia and Edge fanfic (and believe me, there are quite a bit) that almost made me cry, the emotions and thoughts of Rydia and Edge are extremely true to life; more than once I found them thinking something that I could remember thinking at some point in my life. A very sweet fanfic; if you haven't read any more romantic fics, let this be your first!
XmagicalX The Promise of Nightmares 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12FF8(Weiila)Galbadia just thrives wicked plans, eh? Well, that country is kinda just begging for it after their blunders in the game, after all.
The new president of Galbadia and his wife plan to continue the dream of Vinzer Deling, with the help of the only Sorceress knight, a... ahem... doctor and a mysterious warlock named Dahl. Their attempts to capture Rinoa is fairly successful until someone shows his true colors. However, Squall is sent into a nightmare filled comastate and when the Galbadians invade Fisherman's Horizon, Cid is captured by the enemy.
Well written and interesting, a great read!
ZyroReunitedFF10(Weiila)Bad Tidus! Stay! Yep, that's the way it goes, he's just not allowed to leave if these fans have anything to say about it. Yet another short and sweet story about the blitzer's grand return to life.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth FF 7 D prize Kuji Mini Figure Set picture

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth FF 7 D prize Kuji Mini Figure Set


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth FF7 G prize Kuji Mini Figure 7 types Set picture

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth FF7 G prize Kuji Mini Figure 7 types Set


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth FF7 G prize Kuji Mini Figure Complete 8 types Set picture

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth FF7 G prize Kuji Mini Figure Complete 8 types Set


SQUARE ENIX Final Fantasy VII Bring Arts Aerith Gainsborough PVC action figure picture

SQUARE ENIX Final Fantasy VII Bring Arts Aerith Gainsborough PVC action figure


Final Fantasy FF Set of Cloud Combination Sword Blade Models Collection 7 in 1 picture

Final Fantasy FF Set of Cloud Combination Sword Blade Models Collection 7 in 1


Final Fantasy VII FF7 Rebirth Kuji Tifa & Cloud Figure set A &End SQUARE ENIX picture

Final Fantasy VII FF7 Rebirth Kuji Tifa & Cloud Figure set A &End SQUARE ENIX


Final Fantasy 10 X 35th anniversary promo mini poster Japan Limited  Yuna Tidus picture

Final Fantasy 10 X 35th anniversary promo mini poster Japan Limited Yuna Tidus


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Polygon Figure Set of 7 FF7 G prize Kuji Square Enix picture

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Polygon Figure Set of 7 FF7 G prize Kuji Square Enix


Final Fantasy VII FF7 Rebirth Kuji Tifa & Cloud Figure set  A &End SQUARE ENIX picture

Final Fantasy VII FF7 Rebirth Kuji Tifa & Cloud Figure set A &End SQUARE ENIX


Final Fantasy VII FF7 Rebirth Kuji Tifa Figure Last One End Prize SQUARE ENIX JP picture

Final Fantasy VII FF7 Rebirth Kuji Tifa Figure Last One End Prize SQUARE ENIX JP


Final Fantasy, all games and animation bearing the Final Fantasy name, and all characters in said games or animation are copyright their respective creators, including but not limited to Squaresoft, Square Enix, Square EA, Tokyo TV, and ADV Films.