1000 Years Ago:
(From this point forward, "Yevon" will refer to the church of Yevon, not the person Yu Yevon.)
Some Time In The Last Thousand Years:
800 Years Ago:
700 Years Ago:
400 Years Ago:
50 Years Ago:
One Generation Ago:
23 Years Ago:
17 Years Ago:
Between 17-10 Years Ago:
10 Years and 3 Months Ago:
10 Years Ago:
In The Last Ten Years:
One Year Ago:
Six Months Ago:
Two Weeks Ago:
Some Time Recently:
Side Quests (FFX):
Present until One Year Later (everything from here till the end is X-2 only):
One Year until Two Years Later:
Two Years Later (required missions only):
Chapter 4 only allows you to talk to people or see scenes via Shinra's commspheres which he places all around Spira.
Besaid Village: Not much to do here past the required missions. You can run the Gunner's Gauntlet and put Beclem to shame. In chapter 5, Lulu gives birth to a baby boy. Beclem gives Wakka a sphere (via the Gullwings) from Chappu, where Chappu tells him to stop acting like his father. Wakka realizes that he has to stop putting labels on himself and just go with the flow. He finally chooses a name for his baby, Vidina.
Kilika Port: The only extras are in chapter 5, where you can see the Youth League finally opening up the path to the temple, so people and their families can get back together. If you viewed all the scenes in the Commspheres in chapter 4, Dona and Barthello will get back together too; otherwise they'll still be fighting.
Luca: In chapter 2, Yuna can relive her embarrassing moogle escapade from the introduction. She can also talk to Shelinda, who's a reporter. In chapter 3 she can try and win the Sphere Break tournament (Shinra's the reigning champ). In chapter 5 she can play Blitzball, or have a few quiet moments alone thinking of Tidus.
Mi'ihen Highroad: In chapter 2, Yuna meets Calli, who wants a Chocobo. After helping her catch one, Calli's then attacked by a Chocobo Eater fiend, whom Yuna fights off. You can invite her aboard the Celsius, too. In chapter 3, the machina guarding the Highroad go nuts and Yuna has to help take them down. In chapter 4, Rin starts an investigation into that incident as well as one where a hover fell off the bridge. Depending on what you do in earlier chapters and during the investigation, the culprit can be one of Rikku, Calli, the Chocobo Prophet (a weird hippie guy who likes Chocobos), or Rin himself, all for different reasons. In chapter 5 the culprit is actually called out in an Agatha Christie-style scene.
Mushroom Rock Road: In chapter 2 you can help clear out fiends here. You can also meet up with Lucil and Maechen at Youth League headquarters. If you choose to give the Awesome Sphere to the Youth League, you can participate in a tournament here in chapter 5. You can also have another heart-to-heart talk with Lucil. If instead you gave it to New Yevon, you'll be barred from the tournament and you'll speak with Yaibal instead.
Djose: You meet Gippal here in chapter 2, and sign up to dig in Bikanel. Not much else to do till chapter 5, where the Al Bhed invite you to soup up their Experiment machina, take it on, and take it down. You need lots of parts from Bikanel to do so.
Moonflow: Tobli's the guy here. In chapter 2 you can be the bodyguard for his Hypello courier. In chapter 3 you can help sell tickets. If you got them all, chapter 5 will have quite a nice show (the Gullwings can feature too!).
Thunder Plains: You can calibrate the towers here in chapters 1-3. In chapter 5 the fiends have taken over due to strange stuff from Shinra's big sphere screen. Kill 'em all.
Macalania: O'aka will be on the run from his creditors here. You can have him come up to the Celsius if you catch him. If you pay off his debt, he'll return to his shop in Macalania, as will his little brother Wantz. Otherwise the Al Bhed will take it over and O'aka will be doing slave labour in Bikanel. Besides this, you'll also meet up with the rather depressed Tromell here in chapter 1, and the indigenous music-playing other tribes, who say they will fade away with the forest.
The Ronso and the Guado: You can speak with Kimahri and Garik in Gagazet in chapter 1. What you tell the Guado affects whether or not you get the Trainer dressphere in chapter 3. Also in chapter 3, you can try and stop Garik from his Guadocentric rampage. If you do this mission, the Ronso won't go to battle, and in chapter 5 the Guado will join the other races in Macalania Forest and move back to Guadosalam. Lian and Ayde will return and inspire Kimahri and Garik to look to the future. If, however, you give that mission a miss, the Ronso will commit genocide. Not a single Guado will remain. The other races will fade away along with Macalania Woods. Lian and Ayde will still return, but Garik will remain intractable. Note that you can meet Lian and Ayde once a chapter, but nothing in particular will happen during those meetings.
The Zanarkand Issue: If you tell Cid off in chapter 1, he'll be sulking in the Thunder Plains in chapters 2 and 3 (when he'll ask for Yuna's forgiveness). In chapter 5, after beating the fiends in the Thunder Plains, you can visit a new dungeon. Cid will be inside, and once you get through it he'll come up to the Celsius. Isaaru will return to Bevelle as its leader. If, however, you let Cid be, you won't see him again during the game, and Isaaru will remain in Zanarkand as its protector. Maroda will (ironically) be the leader of Bevelle instead.
The Cactuars: You can dig in Bikanel starting from chapter 1. In chapter 3, Nhadala will introduce you to Benzo, and ask you to take him to the Cactuar Nation as an ambassador. There you'll speak with Marnela, a big cactus, who asks you to find the ten cactuar gatekeepers, scattered all over Spira. You can finish this sidequest only in chapter 5, but in the meantime the place is being attacked by Angra Mainryu, a really nasty fiend. After finding the first nine gatekeepers, you must venture into the Cactuar Hollow, where the rogue cactuars dwell. (The last gatekeeper has fallen in with a bad crowd.) After subduing them, the ten gatekeepers get rid of the fiends, but Marnela dies (or dries out) in the attempt. You have to beat the big boss on your own. Once you're done, a new Marnela - just a sapling - will begin growing.
Bevelle: You can follow Gippal, Baralai, and Nooj down here on their way to the Farplane in chapter 3. In chapter 5, the Kinderguardians will discover the Via Infinito, a 100-level semi-random dungeon. Every 20 levels is a boss, which is actually an Unsent. You'll fight Kinoc, Jyscal, Mika, Yunalesca, and Zaon. After that, you'll come up against Trema himself. Beating him gets you a very nice accessory.
Calm Lands: Two rival companies, Open Air and Argent Inc., have opened attractions here. You can pick one company and go about promoting them. If in chapter 5 one company has over 500 PR points, Tobli will show up and convince the two companies to merge into the Clear Skies corporation.
Chocobo Power: Clasko originally joins the Youth League in Mushroom Rock Road, but you can convince him to give it up and just raise chocobos. He then goes with you on the Celsius and lands in the Calm Lands later on. Once you clean out the ruins where the Battle Arena used to be, he'll use it as a chocobo ranch. You can use chocobos to dig in Bikanel, to open up a secret dungeon in Mi'ihen Highroad, or another secret dungeon in the back of the chocobo ranch itself. Hiding in it is the Amazing Chocobo.
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